If I Was Mayor of My Town | Teen Ink

If I Was Mayor of My Town

November 12, 2018
By DianneCollins BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
DianneCollins BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have a dream that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King Jr : I Have A Dream Speach

If I were the mayor of my town I would help find kids who were abducted, sold on the black market, or have been missing, I would organize food drives, and I would try and get more jobs to open up for the people who are out of work.

If I were the mayor of my town, I would first make sure that kids that have been abducted or been sold on the black market would be found because I don’t want parents to have to go through that experience. I had a conversation with my mom and we talked about the black market. Even though it might not be a lot of help, kids could be found and just that makes a difference to mothers and other family members. I would get together search parties and groups together of detectives and investigators to find these kids because I want them to be able to go home and be able to feel safe again.

If I were the mayor of my town, I would organize food drives where we would gather food, go out, and give food to the hungry. People on the streets shouldn’t have to suffer hunger, yes there are people who will fake being poor and hungry but giving food to them is better than money because they will be able to eat instead of going to spend the money on alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. Even if the people who get the food that are lying about being poor, at least the people who had participated in this organization or had helped in any way will feel better that they did an organization and helped people who might have needed it.

If I were the mayor of my town I would talk to restaurants, fast food places, Dollar General stores, and others about jobs so people who are out of work can get a job. After I did this I would go to people on the streets who have signs that say, “Will work for food,” or, “Anything helps, God bless,” and tell them about opening jobs so that they can earn money and eventually pay for an apartment or their meals for the day so they don’t have to go stand on the side of the streets and hold up a sign asking for money, work, or food.

If I were the mayor of my town I would help find kids who were abducted, sold on the black market, or have been missing, I would organize food drives, and I would try and get more jobs to open up for the people who are out of work.

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