What I wonder... | Teen Ink

What I wonder...

December 17, 2012
By Anonymous

What do people wake up thinking? Simply thinking “Oh.It’s another miserable day,” or “Man. I don’t want to go to school or work.”? I’ve always wondered what people wake up thinking. As of me, I wake up thinking, “It’s another day another beginning.” Now, I don’t sound exciting because it isn’t. After many years of thinking that way, you tend to know what your everyday routine would be like. I’m going to be honest here, I don’t know how I still wake up every morning thinking positive. Now, don’t let this confuse you, I am not a morning person. It’s just I’ve come to realize that yes my everyday may be the same, but why should I let today affect tomorrow? Are the things that I’m stressing out on right now, worth it? Will I look back from the future and think it was stupid? Or regret? I live in a very traditional family. They still have a mind-set of guys before girls and girls are to work behind the scenes. They also think that hard workers are the only worth putting time on the ones that don’t deserve nothing. And when I say hard worker, I mean working before the sun comes out till the sun is about to come back up. They expect a lot from their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters. This has taken a great part of me. Now what do I mean? What I’m trying to say is I am very traditional myself, but not to the point where I am like my grandparents. I have experienced the way things goes in a traditional family. It is painful and full of tears. I guess you can say I am an americanized traditional asian? It leads to many tears in the bathroom with the water running, crying in the blankets, crying while on a walk outside alone, and crying on the inside instead of showing it all on my face. I mean you might laugh and say how I’m just a crybaby, but what can a little girl do with her mother across the seas and a brother to look after? It’s funny how all these years of crying, no one really ever knew. I guess you can say that I’m good at hiding things. I’ve hidden a lot just to live better and easier in my family. Now don’t think wrong I do not smoke, do drugs, or drink alcohol. I’m still me!

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