Progress | Teen Ink


January 10, 2017
By OGsloth BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
OGsloth BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
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Everybody writes differently and has different ideas for writing. Some type on computers, some write on paper; it all comes down to your preference. Nobody starts out a great writer, it's a skill you have to work on constantly to get better at. For some people they pick up writing faster for others it's a craft they don't care enough about to pick up. Is it more beneficial to work at being a good writer,  or is it just another skill you won't care enough to indulge in?

You figure you have been writing ever since you were in the 2nd grade so your writing style has probably changed drastically and if it hasn't well, there's probably something wrong. I remember my parents pulling out essays from earlier years just to laugh at compared to how I write now. Every year my writing changes along with my views and opinions and you could see how a change in my views can change my writing too. My writing used to be slow and wouldn't get the point across in a timely fashion. After as many essays as I have written I realize deliverance and flow is key and If I can't get the point across in as little time as possible I need to redo the sentence.  We used to be forced to write on paper because there was nothing else to write on , now we have chromebooks in which I type everything on even this essay. Chromebooks are much faster and more comfortable to write on. I used to stare at a blank page before I started my essay and be miserable. With chromebooks writing feels so much more natural and I don't have that same miserable feeling. One of the biggest elements of an essay is organization of your thoughts and I didn't start doing this til 2 years ago. Jumping in without a single thought or outline of what I was gonna write was how I used to write my essay. They might have been alright but they could have been a lot better. If your essay is about a person or a controversial topic you need to have good research skills. I have always had  good research skills so my essays were always backed by facts and history so the argument would be stronger.

Overall I have improved in every area of writing but researching , researching is the only thing I don't need to improve on. Converting my thoughts into sentences used to be a problem but the amount of improvement for that skill is unbelievable. My thoughts when I was younger were always very jumbled just in the last year have I noticed improvement in this area. Writing essays all of freshmen year will do a lot to improve your writing. To this day I still write run on sentence without noticing , but in earlier years it was a lot worse. Every teacher I have had has caught me writing run on sentences but that number of run-on sentences gets smaller every year. These run-on sentences have made my essays not flow smoothly and that is one of the main components of an essay. The better the flow of an essay the more appealing and smooth it seems to the reader and the better I get at that , the more appealing it seems to the reader. After writing a debate which completely focused on persuading someone to agree with your point of view , I have been able to get my point across easier than before. The more I practice with these parts of writing the more I improve.

Practice makes perfect but how much practice does it take till you achieve perfection? As much practice as I have with writing there are areas of writing that I still struggle with. The biggest subject I still struggle with is starting off an essay. Before every essay I stare for 30 minutes before I start just wondering how to start. My thoughts might be organized but I never know which one to start with. I thought the beginning of this essay had a good thesis statement but only time will tell if that is true. I have never had to write thesis statements til last year so I still haven't completely picked up how to do them. Writing my conclusion, which will happen very quickly after these last three sentences , has always been my biggest hardship. I never know how to end an essay, and I always feel like when I do I did it horribly. No matter how many times I have wrote a conclusion I never feel like it gets any better.

Some people will read this essay and all the things I struggle at they are good at because they have practiced writing more. I think it is more beneficial to be good at writing and the people who have practiced writing more we should strive to be like them. All the things I struggle with writing can be improved just like other things I have improved in my writing. You will write throughout your whole life time so why not be the best you can at it?

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