You Make You | Teen Ink

You Make You

January 6, 2016
By heatherkoenigs BRONZE, Stewartville, Minnesota
heatherkoenigs BRONZE, Stewartville, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"I remember when I used to wear furry boots." Has anyone ever tried to tell you what you should wear or who you should be? Society gives people this idea of how us humans should be, but everyone is unique in their own individual ways. You should be confident in who you are individually. You make you and no one else can do that.

"I remember when I used to wear furry boots." said one of my classmates sarcasticly. I stood there and felt my confidence quickly diminish. I started to feel ashamed for wanting to be myself. I was in seventh grade and it was homcoming. Everyone was decked out in maroon and gold to show their school spirit. I decided to wear my furry boots that made me feel good and confident. All of a sudden that confidence I had was ripped out of me. I let my classmates define who I was instead of myself. Through this expirience, I learned you shouldn't care what others think and you should do what makes you happy.

Society is people living together in an ordered community. To sum it up society is basically the world's opinion. Trends and styles fall into the category of society. Trends are what's popular. For example the IPhone is a trend. The IPhone is one of today's hot items and it had started a trend. Anoter example would be UGG boots. UGG boots are an example of a clothing item that is considered in style. These boots are what society says are in style and what everyone should be wearing. Don't let society change who you are. You are your own person.

A feeling of self-reassurance is what confidence is all about. Being yourself ties in with confidence very well. Take me for example, when comments were made about my furry boots, my confidence was reduced. This was all because of someone's opinion and society's view of what we should and shouldn't wear. Confidene can also be raised by someone's opinion. The feeling you get when someone compliments you can easily boost your confidence. If you feel confident in yourself while wearing furry boots you should wear them. You shouldn't let someone's comments or opinion effect your confidence.

Judging is a nonconscious act we all do, but we need to learn when to say our opinion and when not to. Society's opinion shouldn't matter so much, you should be who you want to be and not who the world says you should be. Confidence is all you need to be yourself. You are your own individual person and you get to be whoever you want to be.  

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