YouTube Famous? | Teen Ink

YouTube Famous?

January 1, 2016
By coversourcerecords BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
coversourcerecords BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

YouTube, a world leading video player. A place to share what you want to say. A place to make an impact on the world, a place to get discovered. YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005. Since then more than 100 billion videos are on the site. You can find anything on the site whether it be cat videos or how to open a carton of milk. Absolute anything you can think of it is on YouTube. Over a billion people have a YouTube account,  half of the world watches at least one YouTube video each day. I am one of them.


With YouTube having more than a billion people each day they make a lot of revenue. With all the people logging on and off of the site there company is worth between 25 billion to 40 billion US dollars. So, where does all these videos come from? Well people make them. Some edit their videos and some just upload them. If you upload something everyone would love you can become YouTuber. 


A YouTuber is someone who uploads regularly to the site and has a lot of viewers watching them. You can gain a lot of subscribers and thus resulting to making money. If you know what people want then you can gain money. It’s hard to get started you really have to set your mind to it and try. If you don’t then no one would subscribe to you and you wouldn’t be able to make money. I am a YouTuber.


I have a YouTube channel that started in 2013 and since then I gained 59 subscribers. Aren’t I famous? No? Okay. Well I stopped making videos because I was really busy and I had to find the time to do it. I love to edit and make videos, but it can consume most of your time. You also gotta to have an appropriate schedule and make sure you can handle it. Have good camera things like lights or a green screen. The better quality of the camera the more likely you are to have people watch you.


The next thing you should do is have thumbnails. Thumbnails are the little pictures on the video when you click the video you wanna watch. For example, say someone was making strawberry milk and you wanted to make sure you had a good thumbnail so it would stand out, so you would probably have a picture and put it in a photo editing software and add cool text to the pic or add like pictures of strawberry milk. Just make sure it pops out to you. Then your good once that you would upload the picture for your video and it would be there for people to see.


Next, is that if you want to make money you need to have a network. A network is companies that work with YouTube and people sign up for networks and depending on the views and subscribers you can make money. The only hard thing is that it is very difficult to get into big networks. SOme networks only accept you if you have a certain amount of subscribers and how many views you get per month. Also you got to make sure you don’t have copyrighted material. Copyrighted material would consist of things you don’t legally own like music. YouTube would tell you if you're in good standing to become in a network.


The last thing is very important is to be yourself. If you're not yourself then you won’t have a very good chance of getting subscribers. If you have a monotone voice don’t make it sound like you have an exciting voice, make it monotone because I will guarantee you that people would love to listen to you talk. I know I would.


If you really wanna become a YouTuber defiantly follow those rules. These are very important in order to get views and subscribers. Happy vlogging!

The author's comments:

I was sitting in school one day and everyone wanted to become a famous YouTuber and I know where to go and how to do it if you really want to. I hope that people will take my advice and just go for it! It will help.

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