The Ride | Teen Ink

The Ride

October 19, 2014
By sloter8989 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
sloter8989 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a cold rainy Tuesday in August, I set my room alone, bored, and with nothing to do. The clocks ticked, and after a while I heard the phone ring, it was from my friend CJ. He was calling me to ask about going to a trip to Cedar point next month; I thought it was the greatest idea ever. I talked with my parents and they finally said yes to the idea as soon as I got the information I called him back. As days during two weeks time was almost upon us. CJ and I got together one day and talk about which arise we go to first. “Well what rides do we have to go on,” I said.
“I want to hit the Mantis,” he said.
“CJ. this is my first time on a rollercoaster, lets try something a little less intense.”
“Alright, but we gotta hit the Mantis.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
For I knew it, it was time. So on a cool gray Saturday morning in September, CJ., Tracy and (his mother) and I sent out from my house to Cedar point. I slept for a good part of the ride because before I didn’t get any sleep. But when I was away in the going to do three told boots, 50 security guards, and 100 road flares. Wow. At the end of all that finally coming to a screeching halt he finally made it to the parking lot. But when we got there we saw a large bus packed with kids almost with them popping out of the sides. So the first thing we did was sprint towards the entrance to get ahead of those kids. On they came out we saw them falling out like bowling pins, with exhausted chaperones coming out last I don’t think they were looking forward to herding a horde of kids.
  First three mellow were roller coasters the Blue Streak, Iron Dragon, and the Millennium Force; we finally got to the Corkscrew a little bit more intense ride. Once got to the seeming the endless line, we were very close to the front and then the PA system turned on. 
“Alright riders today we are having a Halloween parade this parade will be lasting an hour so the following rides will be temporarily closed the Iron Dragon the Millennium Force, and the Corkscrew. Sorry for the inconvenience and enjoy the rest your day.”
The recent news was like a nightmare, everybody in the line started to complain. Tracy, CJ., and myself were thinking about getting out of line. But as we look around he saw nobody else moving so we thought we would just hold our ground. After seemingly endless and boring Halloween parade the PA system flip on again.
“Alright is the conclusion of our Halloween parade which means the rides that were temporarily closed will be open again thank you for your time riders and have a great day.”
The time was nigh.  It looks like there about 10 more people in front of us, but before we knew it you were next. CJ and I raced to get a front seat decision I would later regret. We looked at the track we realized the corkscrew U-turn, followed by an incline that one about five stories high, buy an immediate loop. After that it was another U-turn and a corkscrew pattern and then the ride came to a close, although we didn’t quite make it that far. The beginning of the ride was great first U-turn which I made my CJ flavored pancake, then the incline, then the loop which felt like I’d been compacted into a mailbox. And then after that it was the second U-turn and then the corkscrew shape. After about 2 inches on getting that corkscrew shaped the ride started come to a screeching halt and stop beating CJ and I, and a lot of other passengers upside down. Soon after he saw engineers, running down to the ride bailed up not to worry the ride will be fixed shortly, that was a lie.
After the first half hour of sitting upside down on the corkscrew we got hungry, yeah of all things you can do we got hungry. Luckily they had food carts going around due to the parade, after hollering for one of those carts I paid for lunches. CJ got a hotdog and I got a hamburger and we both got drinks as well, it his mother is she wanted anything she told me were nut so did everyone else for that matter. After somehow managing to pain have your food handed up to us to try to eat upside down, pretty tricky but doable. After a nice lunch with my friend and he just kind of sad joke there another half hour was pretty long half hour but with our conversation that we had we had a pretty good time in the end.
“So how’s the weather up there,” CJ’s perfect conversation starter.
“Now that’s the sun’s up pretty nice, but its still a little chilly.”
“Have you heard about the new teacher going to replace Mr. Provost this year.”
“No, wait Mr. Provost is my teacher, how do you know and I don’t!”
“Dude chill, I’m just kidding.”
“Just kidding, you got my hopes up.”
After another half hour of seizure and I cracking ourselves up the engineers finally said that the ride would be working here in just a minute, which it finally did. As we very slowly went to the station for the roller coasters people were all asking what happened? Are you okay? How the h*ll did you guys get food up there? Which got CJ and I laughing even harder. As each and I were trying to wiggle out of the car the operator told us if we wanted to stay we can go on the ride again without getting out of our seats, but we decided to ask her if we can move to the back seats instead which she was okay with.  After filing going for a ride, the whole ride this time he finally left the Corkscrew. and after about 20 minutes of sitting in laughing it off we finally had to head back up to Royal Oak, which was a shame because I was really having a good time Cedar Point.
On the ride home was so sad, fun we had a burial she could just last forever. But all things must sadly come to an end. Although I did feel like a learned a lot that day, I learned a lot about patience.  I feel like my patients doubled in size that day it turned out good things come to people who wait, looks like my parents were right after all. But after everything is all said and done I was home CJ went back to his house and in the end, it was a great day.

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