The Power of My Imagination | Teen Ink

The Power of My Imagination

July 7, 2014
By Jasminelily95 SILVER, Jakarta, Other
Jasminelily95 SILVER, Jakarta, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She loved mysteries so much, she became one." Paper Towns by John Green

Ever since I was a child, I knew that my imagination was growing rapidly than those around me. Through seeing graphic images, lights, ideas, patterns and all. My imagination can turn it into something much more greater, but it has always been for my private views.

I became quite obsessive of the imaginative world that I created, and I also made my imaginative self in my mind, another version of myself that is glittered with perfection.

There was a time where I was caught up between the person that I am and the the person that I was in my head. My eyes and my mind collided.

I want to stop this madness. I am sick and tired of living in my head and throwing my life away. It's so easy to get caught up in my imagination and leave all of these realistic things behind.

With all of it's madness my imagination brings, it also has it's perks. I feel so alive every time my imagination brainstorms new ideas and can generate words so quickly that it turns into a compilation of statements and later it becomes a pile of paragraphs and it becomes a story. My imagination has brought me the gift of writing and creativity.

The author's comments:
Hi there, if any of you find this piece of my writing odd then I do not blame you, as I am a bit odd myself, but I like it. This is just a tiny bit of me that I suddenly feel like I want to write about on my page. Please look forward on my future writings and have a good day :)

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