I Miss You, Daddy | Teen Ink

I Miss You, Daddy

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Every girl wants to be a "Daddy’s little girl" and not many
little girls get the chance to be. I never got that chance. The last time I
talked to my father was on Christmas 1998.It’s not because he "didn’t want me"
or my mom "took me away" from him, it’s because he wasn’t ready. My whole
childhood I would blame my mom for me not talking to him, she would take it from
me and tell me that when I grow up ill understand the real reason why. I am now
17 and regret everything I have ever blamed on my mother, it wasn’t her fault,
it was his. She felt bad, she wanted me to have a relationship with him but she
knew it would hurt me if he was in and out of my life. On my 16th birthday my
dad called me, I was nervous to talk to him, I didn’t know him, and he was a
stranger to me. Ever since that day I have talked to him almost every day and it
is such an amazing feeling. We talk about everything; he’s one of my best
friends. I trust him with everything. i can finally call myself a "Daddy’s
Girl". I can’t even count the times he has apologized for not being there to
watch me grow up. I always told myself I would never forgive him, but seeing how
sorry he truly is, I forgave him because everyone makes mistakes and at least he
is trying now.

The author's comments:
In my creative writing class we were doing a "blog post" assignment and this was one of my topics to write about. It was hard for me to write about this topic beacause i dont often tell people about what goes on in my personal life, but i came out of my comfort zone.

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