Work Again | Teen Ink

Work Again

September 28, 2011
By Jareddrummer BRONZE, Ewing, Kentucky
Jareddrummer BRONZE, Ewing, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Life is Great and Getting Better&quot;<br /> -&quot;Jeff and Sherri Easter&quot;

Huh!!! Booommm!!!! Craaaasssshhhh!!! Zzzzzzeeeeeeeewwwww!!!!

The sound of me working for someone…. Again. My hands and clothes are dirt, my whole body aches, my back feels as though it could snap at any moment but I continue.

I hardly ever say no to helping someone out the best I can, and its usually hard work. Do I get paid? Heck no. Now you may be wondering why in this world I would still do it. Well here’s your answer…..

From working you will learn a lot guaranteed, I find comfort in knowing that when I am responsible for supporting a wife and kids I will be able to do things around the house that need to be done without having to pay a professional. In case you didn’t know, they cost a lot of money.

I do have what you could call a “job”. I work for “Duncan’s Detailing” it is an auto detailing shop and we clean cars for personal customers and we clean the used cars for McFarland’s auto sales. When it comes to cleaning cars my boss is a wiz. From him I will know how to keep my cars looking brand new. Also during the summer I work for my papaw, running heavy machinery. We can install septic systems, water lines, lagoons, and driveways. We can dig foundations and level out your yard. I get to learn a lot from that too. I don’t get paid enough for this stuff to be honest, I never have enough money to do what I need to do but I continue to do it because I want be able to know how to do it.

My point is that you don’t always have to have payment for helping out someone else. Sometimes learning the skill is enough. Sometimes knowing that you helped someone out is enough. The skill you learn can be very useful in life.

The author's comments:
I always here of how people complain when they do something for someone and they don't get the payment they think they deserve and my article was written to simply say you don't always have to have payment for work. Sometimes the experience is enough.

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