Sadness Deep of the Heart | Teen Ink

Sadness Deep of the Heart

August 12, 2010
By BrokenForTheMoment BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
BrokenForTheMoment BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"When people see things, they should see them with compassion."

It's hard to write my feeling at the moment cause they fade as sudenly as they come. But this saddness is not one of a little girl to be feeling. You've all felt it, that saddness you just don't know what to do with. The physical pain it put you through, the ugly scars so you never forget. I take on the pain of those who are in a struggle and i cant' help them. The ones who travel down the wrong path, who do wrong and critize those who do right. Those who attact others with words that cut deep, deep enough to leave scars on others skin. I hoped I could help them, and I still dream that. But to help, we have to learn, become humble, experience life from there eyes, understand their view. When in Rome dress like he Romans.

The author's comments:
I feel things very deeply, like words said to others, people who I care about throwing there life away. It might be hard with no money, it's hard without a family belive me i know but if we all don't get hand in hand. We'll probably just kill each other slowly on the inside. Maybe one day we'll see the other side.

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