This Is What I’m Meant To Do | Teen Ink

This Is What I’m Meant To Do

November 26, 2012
By BrennaMattson BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
BrennaMattson BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Watford is a 17-year-old boy from Andrews, South Carolina. He is a volunteer firefighter for his local town.

Watford knows that this is what he wants to do and where he is supposed to be.

Watford says, “My dad has done it for a long time. When I was little, I thought, I want to be like my daddy. I took a fire and an EMS class. Now my dad and I are firefighters together.”

He also helps with other emergencies like car wrecks. His job is to get victims safely to an ambulance. But he says it’s difficult when he knows the victims.

Watford is still restricted to go into fires due to his age.

“Until I’m 18, I’m required by law to stay outside of burning buildings. So I help outside.”

Watford still is able to help with the truck and other stuff outside.

“We were called to a house that was completely engulfed in flames. I shuttled in water from the truck, refilled the truck at the fire hydrant, and helped the other firefighters change their oxygen cylinders.”

Watford also helps with other emergencies like car wrecks. His job is to get the victims safely into an ambulance. He says its difficult when he knows the victims.

“One night, two of my friends hit a pothole. Their truck flipped six times and they were both ejected.”

Sometimes his friends doubt him for his age but he doesn’t let it bother him.

“Sometimes my friends say, “You’re only 17. What can you do? I tell them I can do a lot!”


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