Humans of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of Parsippany

February 5, 2024
By ZaydM BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
ZaydM BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“If I had one thing to change, I would bring him back. My dad has passed away. I want him. I want him back. I was my dad’s princess! For everyone, their dad is like a hero for them. It is no different for me. He’s my hero. He’ll be my hero forever. The first hero. The last hero in my life. He has done a lot of sacrifices for me: He not only raised myself and his two kids but he also raised my cousins who did not have their dad so my dad also raised my cousins as well. That’s one of the biggest deeds he’s done. I think about him every day. If he were to come back to life, the first thing I would do is I would just sit with him. Cook for him. Talk to him. Again. — I believe in god. A supernatural power. He helped me cope with the death of my father. Even before, I start the day, the first thing is that I think about god and then I move on to my day. That’s something I always trust and believe. That’s what drives me every day,” (Morris Plains, NJ)

Interviewed By: Zayd Mohammad

The author's comments:

I interviewed my neighbor's mother for my "Human's of Parsippany" project.


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