A girl trapped inside another body | Teen Ink

A girl trapped inside another body

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous

The innocent little girl has progeria where she's ageing faster than normal. Her name is Adalia Rose and she's about six or seven years old and she looks about forty. She's just like any other Six year old would be wild, cute, funny and lovable. She's an inspiring little girl, shes strong and I just love her for who she is. If you watch some of her videos on YouTube, you will fall in love with her the moment you see her, just like I did. One of my friends told me about her and I didn't really care at first, because I didn't know what progeria was at the time. Then I went home after school and researched it and the my heart dropped to my feet when I saw what it said. That night, when I went to bed, I just cried, because now I understood what her parents were going threw, and how she had to be a strong little girl with such little bones. Her parents are so lucky that they have a little girl like her, she's a blessing to them. I watched this one video of her, where this man went to her house and seen how they were living, and made it a better home for them, and he even bought them a brand new car because they didn't have one. That showed how much he cared about this little girl. Adalia loves to sing and to dance around the house, and she's such a cutie pie when she does that. When I searched her on YouTube a lot of videos pop up, but they weren't her, it was other people getting pictures of her and editing them to make her look like an alien. I also cried about that to and I scrolled down some and then I saw a video of her and I clicked on it, and she's talking about how people were making fun her, and she was talks about her fans that she has, she told them to stop, then after a while they edited that video and made it look worse. Even tho she gets made fun of she still goes on and does things that Six year old's do, she doesn't let them bother her a bit, but it bothered me a lot, because what if that was me.They go to some event once a year, and they meet the other kids that have progeria. They also play games, and go places, and eat, and watch plays about things. They do a lot of things with the kids around that place, and I think one time they went to Disney Land in Florida. Adalia had a blast that year because I watched a video of her and her daddy going down the water slide, it's so cute.

The author's comments:
She inspired me to write about this and I hope people will learn not to bully anyone anymore and that its not right to bully people.

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