Heroes | Teen Ink


March 7, 2013
By Joseph.B BRONZE, Overland, Kansas
Joseph.B BRONZE, Overland, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What do you think about a hero? Most people will think about super heroes such as superman or the successful person that we know well. They could be heroes, too. But in my opinion the hero can be someone who gives hope and teaches lessons for our lives.

First of all, this person is a sweeper who I consider a hero that works for the city. He is about fifty and married with two kids. He has been doing his job more than ten years. I didn’t think there was a job like this until I saw the documentary of him. He woke up at 4 a.m. and started to clean the streets where he works. Everyday he works and after his work is done, he goes other places to clean up. The next day, even if he cleans the street, the trash keeps pilling up, so his work is never done. It is really hard to keep doing same thing over and over. One of the reporters asked him, “Why are you doing this job?” and he answered “Well, I have my family that is waiting for me at home, and also I have pride of cleaning our country by my hand. I love my job.” When I heard this, I learned that when we are in a hard situation, if we enjoy it. Then we can overcome that situation. Encouraging thoughts helps us in our lives.

Last but not least, hero is not only who muscular, cool, and successful. It could be small person that gives positive effects by giving helps and lessons in our lives.

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