Why ORGANIC? | Teen Ink


April 29, 2021
By devyani_28 BRONZE, North Delhi, Other
devyani_28 BRONZE, North Delhi, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You really need a reason to eat organic and adopt an organic living?

Here are a few exciting ones!!!

- Better overall health

Organic food contains no added pesticides or chemicals and may not affect human health in any negative way. There is a use of healthier, greener manure and fertilizers which can be used in rotation for healthier and fresher produce. Besides, it is not good for the human body but also helps to replenish the soil.

Organic fruits and vegetables are poison-free.

Pesticides can risk children's and pregnant women's health, being vulnerable.

- Better Flavour and Taste

With the use of environmentally friendly practices, many studies and reports state that taste of organic vegetables and fruits is of higher quality compared to those that are conventionally grown.

- Farm Animals

Livestock is given all organic, hormone- and GMO-free feed, whereas in conventionally-raised meat, dairy, eggs Livestock are given growth hormones for faster growth, as well as non-organic, GMO feed.

Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts

There are plenty more reasons to adopt organic living, this is just the beginning!!

The author's comments:

I am a high school student at Pathways School Gurgaon. I am passionate proficient with an instinct of business. I am eager to try new experiences and has a personality that revolves around my goals. I strive to inspire others to show adopt organic living.

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