As I Walk | Teen Ink

As I Walk

July 23, 2012
By RaynFF BRONZE, Hellertown, Pennsylvania
RaynFF BRONZE, Hellertown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk down the empty corridors of the High School that I got my first kiss and the lockers that used to be filled with my books and notes about the girl sitting next to me. I flashback to my teens and I see myself. The girl I used to be. How her only concern was how tight her jeans were and finding out enough gossip to keep herself in the popular crowds good graces. I remember how I used to be the one being gossiped about. I wouldn't be that person anymore I didn't care who I knocked off the social ladder I would rise higher then I ever was before. Suddenly I find myself back, Back to the present. Walking through the halls alone. Suddenly I'm not alone I see the face one that frequented my nightmares. I look at her face and know I am forgiven but by her. I still haven't forgiven myself

The author's comments:
How Bullying is so horrible

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