Why Should we stop bullying? | Teen Ink

Why Should we stop bullying?

May 10, 2012
By DecemberStone BRONZE, Beebe, Arkansas
DecemberStone BRONZE, Beebe, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When Life kicks you in the face KICK BACK HARDER!!!"

Why should we end bullying?

Bulling has been an exceeding issue over the years… it is about time to make it stop! Bulling affects everyone not just the victims of bulling but, the bully’s and everyone surrounding them. The numbers of kids that are starting to become victims as well as bullies are increasing. Nobody like’s a bully and being one just makes matters worse. Bullying is a major problem that we haven’t been able to stop, every year more and more people become bullied at school and online, if we take a stand against bullying and not encouragedit I believe that we can put an end to it!

Bullying has gone viral. People have been bullying over the internet on social media sites such as Facebook and even twitter. As well as social networking sites people have also used our new technology of texting to harass people. Cyber bullying is what its called when you bully someone over the internet. “Dharun Ravi was accused of having so viciously tormented his Rutgers University roommate named Tyler Clementi, that in September 2010 he committed suicide.” (Cloud 2) Clementi jumped to his death off the George Washington Bridge. (Cloud 2) “partly because of the bridges proximity to the nations media capitol and partly because of his gut ranching Facebook sign off.” (Cloud 2) “Jumping off the GW bridge sorry” Tyler Clementi posted just mere hours of his suicide.
The matter was he used his Facebook, which was the same thing his roommate Dharun used to bully him in which to state his suicide. Bullicide is the act of killing oneself because of being bullied and that is exactly what he did. People should not bully over the internet or at all for that matter. Yet at least at school not everyone can see it. On the internet the victim and the bully has the whole world watching as their audience. Not everyone forgets….
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Bulling in school is still in play as well. It may be the “old fashioned”..it is still just as effective! Bulling should not be happening in school teachers should be making it stop and start being aware that it IS HAPPENING!!! Parent’s think that bullying in schools is just “a part of school” which is complete utter nonsense! “Not that long ago, it was dismissed as an unfortunate rite of childhood,” wrote Cloud. When someone gets bullied they feel unsafe, scared and sad. Statistics show that on a daily average 160,000 children miss school because they fear they will be bullied again (Hall and Jones 3)

Bystanders could really help stop bullying if they stood up right when it is happening! Stop bullying on the spot therefore it can’t go anywhere or develop anymore. If a teacher see’s the bullying or anyone really should stoop it to don’t be afraid! “When adults respond quickly and consistently they sent the message that it is not acceptable.” (Prevent Bullying) When stopping bullying on spot you should intervene immediately, separate the kids involved and make sure everyone is safe. (Prevent Bullying) Another reason bystanders are afraid of standing up for the victims is because of their fear of being the next victim of the bully. That is scary and understandable. Yet it doesn’t matter if a bully is stopped then he cannot bully anyone anymore!
Now I feel it is our job to make bullying stop! The question is not why should we stop bullying? It’s why haven’t it already been stopped? Or what can we do to stop it? Kids feel unsafe in school and that’s not healthy. Say you’re 15 right now when you have children do you want them to feel unsafe in school?? I don’t think so!!!! The .U.S. Department of Justice reported that 37% of student’s do not feel safe at school because of bullying!”

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(Cloud3) Are we going to have to wait until that 37 is a 50% to realize that THIS IS A PROBLEM?
We need to support being different and teach others to understand that bullying is wrong! That just saying something mean can develop into so much more. Everyone needs to encourage kids to do what they love. We as adults need to model how to treat others with kindness! We are the mold for every younger person to learn and grow upon! “Kids learn from adults” (Prevent Bullying) Anti bullying programs are another great way to stop bullying though most don’t come for free. Cloud wrote, “The largest anti-bullying company, the Olewus Bullying Protection Program, charges thousands of dollars to large school districts that need to train educators to recognize and report warning signs of bullying, like repeated introverted behavior among the possible victims. (Cloud 3) If we had more free anti bullying prgrams and compain’s we would get more restsult’s and that’s exactly what we need!

Bullying has always been wrong. Some people support it which makes them wrong. Yet people let peole get away with bullying everyday. Bystandards you need to stand up because if you don’t it could lead to another byllycide. Or mabye not but we will never know! Yet are we going to wait to see the day it happens again? Are we going to let the suicide rates go up because of this!?!? Is bullying going to be another statistic in this world? I hope not so far hope has not helped the victims but one day it will.

“Prevent Bullying” 3-30-12 Stopbullying.gov/prevention/index/.html

Cloud,John “The Myths of bullying” Time 3-12-2012 1-7

Megan, Kelly and Jones, Carrie Dear Bully. New York: HarperCollins, 2011

The author's comments:
I had to do this for English paper but I'm so passionate about stopping bullying i had lots of fun with it, The statistics are scary and i wanted people to realize what they are doing!!! No one cared but one day they will... I was bullied and so many others were to i was just trying to make light of the bad situation that we are constantly in but no one seems to care.... I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!! Are you with me?

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This article has 59 comments.

Snick said...
on Feb. 18 2015 at 10:26 pm
That last sentence is a run on. It can be split into a few more sentences

ceceloyal said...
on Dec. 15 2014 at 2:25 pm
that is sad  

Ronny BRONZE said...
on Dec. 14 2014 at 4:46 pm
Ronny BRONZE, Saint Clair Shores, Michigan
3 articles 11 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I may not know who I was born to be, but I know who I am."
(That's an original quote I'm using in my book)

I used to be verbally abused in younger days, now I'm sixteen, taller than her, stronger than her, and my life is so much better. I realized that it doesn't matter what other people say; they can say what they want but it won't change who i am. If people beleive lies other people say about you that's there problem, just keep your head up and keep pushing on and things will get better (or you'll just graduate and be done with it)

Bmac12 said...
on Dec. 5 2014 at 4:42 pm
Bmac12, Henderson, Nevada
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"booty is life"

this made me sad :(

scarfey17 said...
on Nov. 18 2014 at 6:22 pm
me too i am writing an essay about this. and i just moved and everybody at this school swears and it's just weird peoplr around you staring at you because you're the new girl i miss my friends.

Steph said...
on Nov. 18 2014 at 3:53 pm
i writing an essay too!! have fun!  

Steph said...
on Nov. 18 2014 at 3:52 pm
I agree completely i am writing an essay!!

**** said...
on Jul. 23 2014 at 11:27 am
I was bullied so badly I had severe post traumatic stress, the school didn't give a crap and I eventually was starting to be used as bate I think so that they could expel her. But it doesn't make any difference I still had to cope with day after day of adrenaline, I knew that she was mental and if I got in her path she would do anything. I am now 19 and that wasn't the only thing bad that happened in my life, it wasn't even the only bad thing that happened at that time. Anyway, I am now 19 and have committed suicide several times and got very close to succeeding once, I have been diagnosed with bpd which I would have anywhere near as badly if it wasn't for the bullying, I have had several breakdowns, and have now been clinically depressed for two years. I don't even feel like a person I am scared of life I am scared with everyone that I will get beaten up, I have turned to drugs and alcohol. And the thing is is that I don't really even know why I was bullied! And why the school forced me to go to school and get bullied! Which just makes me feel even worse about myself. But I don't get what the point was because it sabotaged all my chances of getting good grades or grades at all. So there was really no point in it. I am just stuck in a deep hole of depression.

on Jun. 13 2014 at 6:07 pm
Bismah PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
22 articles 1 photo 11 comments
Your article reflects your passion and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Bullying is taken lightly many times and people shrug it off, thinking its a joke but often this "joke" turns into suicide and self destruction and this needs to stop. Needless to say, your article raises awareness.

honey pie said...
on Jun. 2 2014 at 8:35 pm
I go through the same thing, exept I never stand up to him because he is popular and i am just, not

joker456 said...
on May. 12 2014 at 1:15 pm
I personnaly have been bullied and it does not fell good

thegirl1 said...
on May. 5 2014 at 11:51 am
I have always felt that bullying must be stopped

on Jan. 15 2014 at 7:47 pm
deafening-fan GOLD, Kutztown, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien

Sometimes kids don't realize they are bullying. There is a boy in my class who always has something to say about every action I take. Everytime I stand up to him, tell him that his words hurt me, he blows it off as "You just don't have a real sense of humour." Whats worse is that he finds to enjoy my weak tries to make him stop. He always seems to make everything i do into a joke. I don't want to let out how much I heart inside, how much I have a low self-esteem already. Sometimes I just want to break down then and there, or grab him and shake him yelling, or even hurt him. My restrain kills me and saves me at the same time.

aboy said...
on Nov. 18 2013 at 9:00 pm
we should stop bulling or we will see more deaths beacause of bulling

agent J said...
on Nov. 14 2013 at 6:07 pm
people should never cyberbully its just so wrong and so cruel

on Nov. 7 2013 at 8:14 pm
i agree too! i am also writing an essay on this. :)

boo431 said...
on Oct. 30 2013 at 4:12 pm
see i understand and agree completely ive been bullied for eight years straight and i am so afraid of showing the real me ive gone into deep depression and ended up going to a hospital so yes KEEP FAITH AND END BULLYING

on Jul. 29 2013 at 5:43 pm
people should not bully because the people they bully they mite grow up then bully them

mikey123 said...
on Jul. 15 2013 at 4:26 pm
i agree withu bullyig needs to STOP!