The Theory Of Time | Teen Ink

The Theory Of Time

June 4, 2015
By wallale BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
wallale BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A theory.  The theory I present to you today of how time travel could theoretically become possible and could be a breakthrough in technology far into the future.  I show you today how a physicist and astronomer, Dr. Ronin, finally figured out the question that human life has been asking for decades.  “Is time travel possible?”  To solve the problem and to do the impossible, Ronin must complete a stand alone mission to create a first ever assembled warp-ship that can endure the vacuum of space...

After hours of work and preparation, Ronin finally gave his speech on how he will fund, make, and complete his mission to the Earth Space Travel Association or E.S.T.A.  To wrap up his arguments about why his plan can be achievable, Ronin tells his audience, “Lastly, I hope that I have gained the respect and appreciation of Earth and that I can complete and promise a lifelong dream of mine, said Ronin, and I also intend this operation to be an accomplishment for the human race, as well as my own.  I also hope to see you all and my family again in the near future, thank you.” (cheers and applause)

After four strenuous years of engineering and hard work, the perfect ship is finally constructed right before the world’s eyes.  Dr. Ronin eventually releases his work to many space travel organizations and the public, as well.  He gave the blueprints of his work to his closest friends and family to forever be kept safe and his own.
“As I’ve said to you before, I will be testing the impossible, said Ronin.  “As of now I have engineered a mothership that I guarantee will be able to get past the solar system and much further.” 
(Reporter)”But, how will this newly designed warp-ship work to get to a so called “time traveling” destination?  With the fact that this so called “energy” hasn’t even been tested yet in the field of space travel.
“Well, it actually will use photons in the vacuum of space to warp the ship to any particular destination in the galaxy, said Ronin, and the final plan is to use the photons to hover next to center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Finally, before I leave, there is presumably a black hole at the center of our galaxy.  With the dense amount of gravity, my intelligently designed ship will be able to warp the gravity around it with the energy of the photons,” said Ronin.  “This, allowing myself to travel anywhere in time itself.”

As the final seconds ticked by as the shuttle leaved Earth’s atmosphere, Ronin just plainly thought to himself.  “Have I really completed the impossible?”  As these thoughts passed through his head he would only imagine what would come for his future next.
Then,  as what felt like days turning into months, Ronin finally succeeded in getting to the location of the center of the Milky Way galaxy.  But, to his success it had to come at a price.  As the predicted amount of photons to be used as energy for the shuttle just wasn’t enough to get him back home.  Ronin soon discovered that his fate would would only be a one way trip. 
Then, as Ronin finally pulled the trigger to use the remaining photon particles and fusing gravity to travel through space time he could feel that something wasn’t right.  He could then feel his body and consciousness being pulled in every direction and contorted as he was being blasted through any given point in time.  As Ronin was being pulled into oblivion he was only grateful that he had conquered his dream of space and that he had sent a message prior to the mission back to Earth.  This, being about his journey and new and exciting discoveries in astronomy. This is how we know about the famous Dr. Ronin today. He has led the way for new theories about our universe and existence.  Although we never found out if or how he conquered time travel, but what we do know is that he has paved the way for ideas, technologies, designs in the upcoming future, as well.

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