Address 666 | Teen Ink

Address 666

October 1, 2014
By Daniel Roberson BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Daniel Roberson BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi! If you read this please help. My name is luke , i’m 19 I just finished high school and moved into a house on my own. I homed into a very  quiet neighborhood. I live in a towering,old ,dark house at 666 lived st.

After a while I began to notice strange things. Windows were being left open after i had closed them,lights turned off and on. I really didn’t think much of it,but now i do.Things just wasn’t the same.

Now this is where things get bone chilling.Now i started to see things out of the corner of my eye.I feel like someone is watching every move I make.One day i decided to put some of my things away in the attic.As im putting boxes away I see a shadow move. I looked,back and there was no one there. I turned back and notice one of the boxes had been moved. What I found in its place was truly disturbing!

I had found a pentagram with satanic words and symbols in it. Above it said “gateway to Hell.It seemed to be writen in dried up blood. I had to get out of there,so i ran as fast as i could out of the attic.

I decided i needed answers to this horrifying situation. I went to the town's library to find out these answers.After hours and hours of research I found out who used to live in my house before me.His name is Abaddon. The book listed no last name at all,which i thought to be very strange.

I started to find out what he was like from my neighbors.They said Abaddon was a dark and satanic man.Mrs. Ann my other neighbor said he always acted strange,but nice and would work for her.He Always said you can pay me later, but she had never got the chance to pay him.After I talked to Mrs. Ann i felt sleepy.So I decided to go back home and take a nap.soon after I layed down I fell asleep.

Now i'm going to stop my story here.What you are about to read you will wished you never read.This part of my story is truly sickening and terrifying.

I awoke to the screaming.The sound of a thousand tortured souls rang out in my ears.The sound was so loud my ears started to bleed.It finally stoped,only for a little bit.Them there was pounding on my door,and the screaming rang up again.

I started to hear voices in my head.They were saying KILL,KILL,KILL over and over again.Every now and then they would say you will die.My heart was pounding ,it felt like it was about to bust.I couldn’t breath.The room was so hot i could see a glass of water on my night stand steam.Then the glass that the water was in started to melt.

It all stopped and I collapsed onto my bed and a guttural,demonic,satanic voice said you will go to Hell Luke Walters.All of a sudden my bed dropped down.I found myself falling down in what seemed like a never ending pit of fire.I thought i was dreaming but it felt all so real.

I seen something huge come into view,and then i landed on the floor and it knocked me out. I woke up,and I saw nothing but dead mutilated bodies.Their eyes were out of their sockets with pools of blood replacing them.The hearts were torn out of their chest.Some had limbs torn off others had their heads severed off.

The bodies were piled in thousand probably even millions.Then I saw the most disturbing thing ever.Mrs. Ann was dead with blood all over her. Her limbs were torn to shreds.She had what looked like claw marks all across her face.The marks spelled out “you are in Hell now”.

Then two dark robed figures approached me.They grabbed my wrist and walked me across the bodies.I couldn't get away from them,they had such a type grip on me.The figures didn't walk they floated like ghost.I ask them where are you taking me they said ‘you will soon speak to Abaddon.

They through me into a cell and said you will wait here.I waited and waited and then I could hear them coming. I'm sorry I have to go their coming for me.NO! NO! NO! let go of me. PLEASE HELP ME!   

The author's comments:

Iv always loved horror bocks and movies.The tone of horror that leaves me on edge gets me and pulls me in.Just horror all together is amazing. I love the vivid images I write about.I love it beause you can see in your mind what the character is seeing and how he reacts to these disturbing sites.

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This article has 1 comment.

wgrowell61 said...
on Nov. 15 2014 at 11:08 pm
Great Story Line That Of A Steven King Type. Loved reading from beginning to the end. A sit on the edge of you chair story. Great Job