2059, the New Age. | Teen Ink

2059, the New Age.

October 16, 2023
By LindaZhang BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
LindaZhang BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"3, 2, 1, initiating." Beep ...... "Match in progress, confirmation in progress, entry in progress, complete."
Time, 2059. This world has long been different from the past, a dilapidated future city, a new world shrouded in light pollution, the sun, moon and stars have long ceased to be visible. In this era, technology was extremely advanced, and robots could be found everywhere, they were extremely loathed by humans - what strange humans, inventing them and loathing them.
The cawing of crows in this depressing city-state is particularly unbearable, the height of skyscrapers is randomly adjusted, today it rains or clears up, all by a big invisible hand, living under the control of the fate of the people under the government's brainwashing, some have given up hope, but there are people who want to unveil the mystery of this hand.
In this unfair world, only the rich can enjoy a truly comfortable life that is no different from the original. It's sad.
Travis was one of those who wanted to lift the veil, convinced that people were in deep trouble and he wasn't willing to be a puppet on a string.
That night, Travis couldn't sleep and wanted to go out for a walk - the first time he'd been out at night since the world collapsed - and there was no one on the road, and normally there wouldn't have been any light, just the sparse sound of a leak, which is normal in a city of neon lights, so he didn't take it seriously.
Wearing a hat and walking with his head down for a long time makes his neck hurt. At one time, Travis's mom used to tell him, "If your neck hurts, look up at the sky and move around." At the time, he was a good boy. But Travis' parents left when he was a child.
To look up or not to look up? That's a good question, too. The government ordered everyone not to go out at night, and even if they did, they had to wear special glasses for the reason that light at night was damaging to health. People who are not disciplined enough to forget to wear special glasses who look at the light at night are not only damaging to their health, but they are also a burden to the government, disruptive of social discipline, and bad citizens.
Tarvis is curious, why is there light at night? What light? He always hesitates, "I still want to see it." The inquisitive nature of teenagers cannot be ignored.
Travis removes his glasses and finds nothing unusual, but the moment he looks up, he suddenly realizes that in the total darkness of the street pavement, there is a building with one of its floors lit up-it's not the light of an ordinary office building.
All along the repression, suspicion, huffing and puffing in this instant because of this office building on the strange light explosion. What on earth was being hidden? Why the unconditional obedience to the rules? As the boundaries of Tarvis's previously precarious world are shattered, he feels a sense of illusion, and a boldness to break through it to find the truth.
Do something about it! Not just by himself, of course.
Travis has an outgoing friend named Tabby, the rebellious teenager.Travis is digitally network savvy, a top hacker, and a mind reader.Travis enlists her help, agreeing to check in every other night.Tabby's parents, like Travis's, left when she was very young and disappeared without a trace.
The mysterious light atop the office building is captured by Travis with his shutter glasses. Back home, Travis watched and thought about the video for a long time. Tired, he turns off the device and looks at the photo on the wall - it's a picture of him as a toddler with his mom and dad... where the heck did they go? The next day, Travis meets up with Tabby and dives into the night, near the eerily lit office building. In the corner, they took off their glasses, and the light from that top floor window was surprisingly harsher than the day before, as if it was signaling something.
"See?" Travis asked.
"Saw it." Tabby was still in shock.
"Come along? Explore what's going on?"
"Think about your parents, don't you think the world is too weird? Why can't you go out at night, and even if you do you have to wear glasses, what is this society hiding? Everyone has their own luck scale, from 1-100, you were born at 100, and were confined to the highest prison, you think, you are so lucky, you will be able to escape, until you realize that all your cellmates are 100, that's how this society is now." Tabby was silent.Tabby had actually come prepared. She'd brought a surveillance signal jammer and a microcomputer, she'd wanted to find the truth for a long time, she just needed a push, and at this point, that push was Travis's boldness, or maybe it was recklessness.
 "Get into this building, and you'll help me look at their security defenses, the building structure, any bots, the difficulty index.
" Tabby instructed the hacking micro-meter. "Three minutes." The hacker micro-computer replied.
Three minutes later, the automatically generated report reached Travis' eyes. It was a report designed to be precise and complete with no unnecessary nonsense.
"This is the entrance, and no one will be guarding it at this point."
"It's the guards that seem strange." Travis said.
"You know best alright...Tabby resented him.
They entered the building according to the reported entrance, which was indistinguishable from the building used by regular commuters. But that indistinguishability is what makes Travis wonder why all the other office buildings are dark but this one. They scanned the first floor, secure. Heat detection sweeps the entire building, good, still empty. This emptiness was also strange, creepy empty, as if it was hiding some secret, stirring an instinctive human curiosity. They didn't take the elevator, but went up via the stairs around the building, so as not to be easily detected, as his father had once told him, and they went up one floor after another. One step, two steps, three steps, the stairs made a loud and transparent sound when they stepped on them, which was especially noticeable in the quiet building.
"Lighten up, we're almost there." Tabby warned.
"Wait..." said Travis with some hesitation. "What's wrong?"
"I kind of...I think...just had a bad feeling."
"What? You made me come!" Tabby was a little surprised that Travis was scared. Was it fear, or maybe not, he should have known in his heart what was going to happen, and he didn't want to face the possibility.
"Don't you have an ounce of doubt about how your parents disappeared? Why the government is restricting going out?"
"There is, that's why I promised you I'd come, come what may."
"You check if there are any electronic sources in the neighborhood, if there are, there's a problem."
"There's a monitoring of a large electrical wave, very large, as if it's transmitting messages with other planets in the universe that only feel like they're mingling with each other." Travis, with a strong intuition, felt that something had to be wrong. He headed up the stairs. They came out of the stairwell and there was a steel door, unguarded and hidden.Travis gently pushed it open a crack and an intense light irritated his eyes, it was no ordinary light. In the intense light he saw a man standing in the center next to what appeared to be his assistant.Travis ducked away with the lightest of force without making a sound.Tabby's instincts and acumen were excellent and she gestured for Travis to step aside and see for himself. She was shocked at what she saw, she pulled out her mini-computer and searched for any nearby connected devices, there was only one, "Skydisk" the name of the device struck her as odd, Skydisk? What was a skypan?
"We almost done!", a burly voice shouted with power, "This city was supposed to be controlled by me!" It was now going to be my turn to manipulate and manage the entire planet. All I have to do is press this button and the world will run the way I want it to. Just tomorrow morning, finally!"
A man, probably his assistant, said respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Wilson, you should be revered by the world for all that you do, and you should be made a god, dear Mr. Wilson." This remark was followed by a loud laugh of unbridled triumph. "Mr. Wilson, so those pariahs no longer need to be reformed for experiments either, do they."
"They, just in case it's better to keep them for now, keep them locked up! Not a single one is allowed to run."
"Yes, sir!"
"Control the planet?" Travis and Tabby questioned in unison.
"Modification experiments?" Travis chilled inside, who's been taken for a makeover?"
"What do we do?" Tabby froze, "Should we leave, it's too dangerous." "Go if you want to, I'm not going, don't you think this whole remodeling thing is going to have something to do with the disappearance of my parents, feel. Please come with me, I need you."

After a moment of hesitation Tabby agreed, she checked the system, there were layers of firewalls protecting the system, one layer of firewalls was hard to break through, she had to try slowly. Just then, Travis accidentally hit the door, made a lot of loud noise, this sound alarmed them, he heard footsteps, more and more clear footsteps. travis began to be afraid, he put the miniature guidance AI robot held in his hand in his pocket, with the satellite transmitting system to the emergency contact sent a signal, this emergency contact is Andy, he is a good prediction divination who Travis trusted, and who was the one who questioned the government's actions and raised suspicions about Travis' parents' disappearance. As the footsteps become clearer, his heart beats faster and faster. The footsteps came to a screeching halt and Travis hid in the corner, just as he was about to stand up, suddenly the radio made a noise that
"Dear Travis, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I knew you would come." Without waiting for him to answer suddenly a large door opened automatically and the scene before him was shocking, at the same time Tabby's crack was about to be successful.Before Travis's eyes were huge machines, too big to be believed. There were several machines next to him, and the ones being immersed inside were actually living, breathing human beings, and he went weak in the knees.
Mr. Wilson said to Travis lightly, "I knew you would come. You, like your parents, are courageous. But, you won't make it. Humans who come here, harboring so-called justice, have no other path than to be studied."
"How do you know about my parents."
"They, like you, found out one night looking for them and-"
"I'll stop you." Travis tried to buy time for Tabby, who was cracking the code in the corner. "No way." With that he grabbed Travis and backhanded him into a lock down.Tabby was on the last step of the automated process of starting the program, which gave them a great chance to crack the process. She cracked the firewall, but still needed the password, which required Mr. Wilson's identification, which in fact was not extremely high on the security scale; Mr. Wilson took the percentages too much for granted. Tabby decided to try an automatic unlocking system, which can often be done by a chip implanted in the password owner's brain (often as long as it's within a meter), and Tabby purposely knocked the computer thing over, making a loud noise, which attracted Wilson's attention, and just as he slowly walked over to it, Travis, who had understood Tabby's intention, hooked his foot onto the chair and slammed it into Wilson with maximum force. force and slammed it into Wilson, pushing him in a direction close to Tabby's computer. The system beeped softly as the automatic unlock succeeded, and Tabby took advantage of the confusion to cancel the setting and pulled out the miniature lady taser hidden in her clothes tube (a little invention her dad had made with her when she was a little girl) and jabbed it into his lower back, sending Wilson crashing to the floor. Destroying the terminals, breaking the nighttime curfew and the commandment to wear eyeglasses, and publicizing the pseudo-government conspiracy ....... Andy took the lead after they escaped.
Andy was the leader of the Renewal Army, as they later learned.
Luckily, Tabby and Travis and Andy's Army of Renewal stopped the apocalypse just in time, but no one knew who they were.
The world is still chaotic, and also it will take a long time to even regain its former health. But at least, the world won't be controlled for a while, and everyone can live sober and free, clean, independent, and as individuals. The brave ones lead the way to bask in the light of the new sun. Though, for their parents and themselves, it is a grand, unfinished goodbye.
The more places some people's light shines, the more you get the feeling that with their passing, a part of the era is finalized, and future generations will clearly see the footnotes of this celestial fall as they flip through the pages of the era.

The author's comments:

With the advancement of technology, the world is evolving rapidly. More and more jobs are likely to be replaced by robots, people's employment difficulties increase, and the high level of technological development is a very two-sided topic. At the same time, after a long period of blocking the new Crown Pneumonia, the value of freedom, the right to choose, and bravery is deeply felt. We were greatly benefited by the courageous people of that time, whose light shone and touched us. Just like the fearless protagonists in this article. Please don't ever forget to question the world, to be brave enough to stand up and change it, to let the sun shine down on the land we love, to let the moon and the stars be with us. Always follow your beginnings and take the path you think is worth it.

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