messages | Teen Ink


October 13, 2014
By Isabella Wilson SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
Isabella Wilson SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1:03 am; jemma
i’m cold and lonely and i miss you

1:07 am; jemma
i can’t sleep and it’s cold and i hate for not being here

1:09 am; jemma
i’m cold and i can’t find my fuzzy socks and i hate you because you took the space heater with you when you left

1:11 am; jemma
i’m all alone and the bed is cold and you’re not here

1:13 am; jemma
i miss you

1:13 am; jemma
i love you

1:16 am; jemma
you hate me and you left and you said you were gonna come back but you’re a liar and you’re never coming back

1:18 am; michael
go to sleep

1:21 am; jemma

1:22 am; jemma
i hate you and i can’t sleep and i’m hungry but the only thing in the fridge is a four pack of your crappy energy drinks and i don’t know why i keep buying them because you’re not coming back

1:23 am; michael
jemma go to sleep

1:24 am; michael
i’ll talk to you in the morning

1:25 am; jemma
it is morning

1:26 am; michael
jesus christ jemma i’m trying to sleep

1:27 am; jemma
  then leave

1:27 am; jemma
you already did once

1:28 am; michael
god jemma don’t do that to me

1:29 am; jemma
what, leave?

1:29 am; jemma
you already did, remember?

1:30 am; jemma
i hate you. i absolutely, completely and utterly despise every bone in your body and i never wanna see you again

1:30 am; jemma
stay out of my life, michael.

1:32 am; michael

1:46 am; jemma - message failed to send
i miss you

1:46 am; michael - message failed to send
i’m sorry

1:46 am; jemma - message failed to send
i don’t hate you

1:46 am; jemma - message failed to send
please come back

1:46 am; michael - message failed to send
please don’t hate me

1:46 am; michael - message failed to send
i love you

1:46 am; jemma - message failed to send
i love you

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