Midnight Escape | Teen Ink

Midnight Escape

December 20, 2008
By Anonymous

“You’re my all, Carrie.” Jack’s blond light hair blew in his face as he tried to grab my cheek. The sun was just rising and the sound of cows in the distance, seemed to be the only induction that we were still in the real world.
I just started at him and smiled , biting his finger gentle and growled. He smiled softly and just let his finger stay still. He leaned in an kissed my forehead softly. I laughed and turned around and let the sun shine on my face.

“Jack” I sighed touching the dew covered grass with my fingers.
“Ah” he rested his head on my waist and held me
My eyes flickered to the sky “Do you ever think that we’ll be able to go away together?”
He chuckled and shook his head “Where do you want to go?”

“To sky” I replied feeling silly. He giggled and pushed himself up, pleasing both hands over me so I was trapped. I started at him in awe, but he was completely still and calm

“I promise you that I’ll take you there one day” he lowered himself and pressed our two foreheads together. “I love you more then anything in this world…Let me take you to the sky so I can know that I love you more then that too”….

I woke up in a cold sweat in my room. My dark and lonely room. It was lonely because every wall had pictures of the two of us together. His smile, my smile. Each photo held a different memory. I just couldn’t let those picture go. They were the last of what I had of him, besides memories.

“Carrie… hurry up you’ll be late” my dad knocked on the door, a smile on his face. He took one look into my watered eyes.
“Oh, your not crying again are you.” he tried to come in, but my glare stopped him “Come on its been 6 months sweet…” he sighed and stepped in “You know it would make it easier if you didn’t have all these pictures of Jake on your wall…” he reached for the one of he and me in the sheep pasture, He was holding a baby lamb and waving to the camera well I was struggling to left the mother.
“ its Jack…”I muttered
“What?” my dad touched the picture.
“Its Jack! And don’t touch him!” I pushed my dad away, “Don’t touch him. Just leave him alone!” I kicked and I screamed “Just leave him alone!” I gripped onto my dad’s sleeves and feel down in exhaustion.

“Carrie…Jill! Call an ambulance, hurry!” he dad fell beside me. He glanced down at my arms and gasped. He saw the cuts “oh Carrie” he sighed and started to sob himself.

I woke up in a rough hospital bed, all around me was light, to much and at least a dozen flowers and get well cards.

I looked down at my wrists and noticed that they had been opened and cleaned do to the infections from rusted knifes. I glanced up at the wall, feeling lonely, there were no picture of him, no Jack… he was gone.

“Carrie, come on, its time to go” I knew I was groggy but… “Jack?” I heard his voice, but no face.
“Yah?” my head was spinning
“Is that you?”
That laugh…it was him “Ha! Of course, who else would it be cutie! Come on!” I felt a hand, yet saw nothing.
“Come on, where?” I felt myself lifting, I looked back down at my body.
“To the sky, silly, remember I promised…” I felt a hand on my cheek and for a second a pair of beautiful blue eyes smiled at me, I felt the formal lips on my forehead. Hot tears of happiness ran down my face.
“Don’t cry…I’m sorry it took me so long.” I nodded gulping down galloping down tears, invisible arms hung around me a head burying in my shoulder “I’m sorry….” and then we started raising higher and higher.
“Oh Carrie, good your awake I was just down the street and look, donuts…Carrie….Carrie! Samson! Samson come quick!”

“What is it Jill…oh no. Carrie Carrie!”

“I love you” Jack wished in her ear.
“We’ll be together now?” she asked
“only If you want”
She took a look back down at her parents and then smiled back up at him
“Forever” she promised, and then finally after for so long, she could see him… his tan arms, blue eyes, smiling full lips that pressed against her cheek.

The author's comments:
is it possible that love can be so stronge that it continues in the afterlife?

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 25 2010 at 2:35 pm
pinkypromise23 PLATINUM, Cranston, Rhode Island
30 articles 0 photos 412 comments

Favorite Quote:
i know that you believe you understand what you think i said, but im not sure you realize that what you heard is not what i meant.

that was amazing...speechless...woah...great job(:

Meli138 said...
on Apr. 1 2010 at 9:59 pm
Meli138, GP, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Like a bird with broken wings its not how high he flies but the song he sings"
"Everybody live like its the last day you will ever see tell me tell me do you feel the pressure now?"


WOW. This was...amazing...im speechless it was soo sweet and creative! Great job  keep it up! :)