I Would | Teen Ink

I Would

December 9, 2013
By HarryStyles BRONZE, Stockton, California
HarryStyles BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

“Ugh,” I say as I take off spaghetti from my head.

I’m covered in it because some kid threw it on me. I don’t even recognize him. Another bully. Yay. I have a lot of people that don’t like me, but the thing is, I haven’t given them any reason to. It’s been that way since first grade. I’m a junior in high school. I get most of the spaghetti off and make my way to my 4th period class.

My 4th period class is P.E. I have an A in that class mostly because I can basically do all of the tasks the teacher assigns. I’m just average height and skinny. That’s basically me. The only thing I hate is when my sweat get onto my glasses and then onto my eyes. It burns. I get into the locker room and change from my plaid shirt and black jeans to my red shirt and blue shorts.
After, I walk to the track and stand near it. I see my best, and only friend in the distance, Daisy so I start to walk towards her.

“Hey Cody,” Daisy said.

“Hi Daisy,” I say.

“So what are we doing today in this class?” She asks.

“Umm, I think we are running the track,” I reply.

“Oh. How many laps?”

“I think three, but I could be wrong.”

“Oh cool, I somewhat like running. Hey, did you hear about the new kid in our class? He transferred like right in the middle of the year,”

“No, I didn’t hear about him.”

“Oh well, his name is Michael. He’s pretty cute.”

“Oh haha. That’s cool,” I say awkwardly.

Crap. That sucks. I really actually have like the biggest crush ever on Daisy. I’m not sure if she knows. Hopefully not. I don’t want to lose my only friend, but yet, I don’t want to keep moving on without saying something or trying to be with her. I don’t know. I’ll think about it later.

“Oh look, there he is!” she exclaims pointing near the fence.

I turn to see a kid with short hair, kind of the opposite to mine. Wait, I know him. He’s the kid who threw spaghetti on me.

“Oh yeah, I’ve seen him before,” I say keeping my smile.

Oh well there goes my chances of dating her. I look at the kid again and he looks way better than me. I don’t think it is bad that she could go out with a guy she likes, but I just really would like a chance to go out with her. Also, there is no way he wouldn’t go out with her. She’s funny, beautiful, magnificent, and smart. She’s basically flawless.

My P.E. teacher comes out of nowhere and tells us to line up side by side on the track.

“Start running!” my P.E. teacher yells.

I start running, but immediately get tripped. I just pick myself back up and start running again. After like eight minutes of running, I finish the three laps. I go to the locker room, change back to my normal clothes, and go on with the rest of the day. I just sit using the computer at home for the rest of the day after finishing my homework. I don’t have any type of social networking accounts because I already know what would be on there if I did.

By the time I get to bed, I’m exhausted. Another day has passed by. Yay. I’m laying in bed thinking about myself and everything I’ve done and will do in the future. I want to graduate and leave that terrible high school, go to college and major in psychology, have a family and live happy. That’s all I want in the future. I would never let my kids be bullied and make sure they are safe. I slowly drift off and go to sleep…

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and go straight to shower. After I got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I grab my backpack and start to walk to school. By time that I arrive, it’s 10 minutes before the bell rings.
Ugh, another day at this school. I hate it. There are too many bad memories tied to it. I just want to leave. I walk immediately to my 1st period class which is Biology, so I could avoid trouble with others. By the time I get to my class, half the class is already there. I make my way to my seat next to Daisy, who isn’t there at the time, but find it occupied by Michael. Whatever. I’ll just find another seat in the back. As I take my seat in the back, Daisy walks into the class.

“Hey Daisy,” I say to her.

“Hey Cody, Why aren’t you in your normal seat?” She said.

“Oh, because that new kid, Michael, is in it.”

“Oh that sucks.”

“Yeah, but it’s fine.”

“Yeah. Well, I better get to my seat. Bye!”

“See you later!”

By the time class starts, I am half asleep. I don’t really care because I know the material anyway and I also have an A in that class too. So I fall asleep. I wake up five minutes before the class ends and I see Daisy talking to Michael and I can’t help to become jealous of him. She’s really into the conversation with him. The bell rings and I grab my backpack and start walking to my 2nd period class, English. Wait, what day is it? I look up to whiteboard where my teacher always writes the date. It’s January 12, 2011. Wait, my birthday is in 2 days! How could I forget? I barely remember my mom was planning a birthday party. I don’t have any friends other than Daisy, so my mom is just going to invite family to the party. Daisy I think may go. I’ll ask her during lunch. Class starts and I immediately go to sleep again.

I’m woken up to someone hitting me with a binder. I put my head up and then I grabbed my bag to move to another seat. I see Daisy talking to Jake and ignore it. As soon as I take my seat, the bell rings. I get up and go to Daisy so we can walk together to 3rd period.

“Hey Daisy,” I say to her.

“Hey Cody,” She says.

“Oh my gosh, I got to tell you something,” She says to me enthusiastically.

Daisy tells me a lot to me since I am one of her best friends too, but she is way more popular than me. Her friends sometimes tell her to stop talking to me, but she ignores them. I really think that’s kind of her, but I am really not worth it. I really love me, and she is the one thing keeping me to this world. I don’t want to lose that.

“What is it?” I say.

“I think Jake likes me!” She says excitedly.

“Think? Ha, he should,” I say, giving her a small compliment.

“Aw, thanks,” She says.

“You’re welcome. Oh yeah, I got to ask you something but I’ll save it for lunch,” I say while we both enter the classroom and take our seats which are both on opposite sides of the classroom. Crap, he really might like her. I got to do something.

I sit through the boring class and when the bell rings, I walk to go get lunch. While waiting to get lunch, I get shoved, tripped, and burritos thrown at me. I get my nachos and walk to the table where Daisy and I usually sit. I get kicked and fall to the ground where my nachos fall all over me. I look up to see who tripped me and I see Michael and his friends laughing. Ugh, whatever. I get up and walk to the table where I see Daisy sitting at. I get to the table and see her studying for her Spanish test.

“Hey Daisy,” I say.

“Hi Cody. What were you going to tell me earlier?” She says.

“Oh, I wanted to ask if you are going to go to my birthday party,” I say.

“Yeah, I’m going. I wouldn’t miss my best friend’s party for the world,” She says.

“Oh cool.”

We talk about random stuff until the bell rings and we go together to our next class. I go on for the rest of the day and when I get to bed, I get a crazy idea. I should ask out Daisy on my birthday. Perfect timing. I’m not sure though. Should I? I don’t know. I want to be with her but I am afraid of being rejected and losing the most important person in the world to me. I think I might ask her out. I have two days until my birthday to think and plan it out if I do.

I wake up, do the same stuff, go to school and nothing really happens until 5th period, Spanish. I brought a daisy, ironically, and a small box of chocolates for Daisy so I could give it to her. I couldn’t give it during 4th period, because we were at P.E. and my stuff was in the locker room. I’m going to give her this so I can get her to like me better so I have a better chance that she’ll say yes when I ask her out. I’m not sure if it is going to work but I sure hope so. I go up to her before this class starts and put the chocolates and flower on her desk.

“What’s this?” She asks.

“Chocolates and a flower for you. It’s a Daisy, ironically,” I say, smiling.

“Aw, thanks. What for?”
“For being the best friend anyone could ask for.”

“Thanks. That’s so nice of you,” She says giving me a hug.

“Yeah, well I better get to my seat. Bye!”

“Bye!” she says.
I think I did a pretty good job on that. I hope so. I get to my desk and the day goes on once more. I start to walk with Daisy to our last class and some random guy pushes Daisy and she falls down. Oh hell no.

“What the heck?” I yell.

“Who?” the jock says turning around.

“You,” I say coolly to him.

“What did I do you little twerp?” He yells.

“You just knocked her down you jerk!” I yell.

“So? I don’t give a crap about her,” He says to me.

“And? That doesn’t give you the right to push her down,” I yell at him.

“So what are you going to do about it?” He yells coming toward me.

“Just forget about it Cody. He’s not worth it,” Daisy tells me.

“No, I’m not just going to let it go,” I say.

“I know you won’t do anything,” The jock says to me.

“How do you know that?” I say.

“You’re Cody Moward. The kid everyone steps on and that doesn’t do crap about it. You wouldn’t dare fight me,” He says.

“For her I would,” I say to him, honestly.

I would get in a fight, get hit by a car, or do anything for Daisy. That’s how much I love the girl that’s keeping me alive.

“Do it then,” He says getting in my face.

“I won’t fight you unless you swing first,” I say coolly.

“Well then, let’s see,” He says throwing a punch.

I block the punch and punch him in the nose. It’s one of the things my father taught me before he left me when I was 10. He taught me how to fight but I never used it until now. It’s kind of in my blood to fight, since my dad fought at bars when he was drunk all of the time. I kick the jock in the stomach and throw a punch at his nose. He falls down and I stand there, hovering over a person I just fought. He is bleeding from his nose. I look at Daisy and she’s covering her mouth with her hand.

“Let’s go,” I say to her, but I turn around to see a teacher in front of me.


I’m taken to the principal’s office with the bleeding jock.

“I caught these two fighting with this one punching and kicking him,” The teacher says.

“Thank you Mrs. Karrason, I’ll deal with them,” The principal says.

Mrs. Karrason leaves the room and it is just me, the jock, and the principal, who I think is named is Mr. Serrenton.

“So?” Mr. Serrenton says.

“He started it!” The jock says.

“It’s ok Jake, I trust the best quarterback of my team’s word,” Mr. Serrenton says.

“Wait a second, he started it!” I say.

“Sure he did, now what’s your name?” Mr. Serrenton says.

“Cody Moward,” I say.

“Well Cody, You’re suspended for 5 days for fighting. Also Jake, get rest for tomorrow’s game,” Mr. Serrenton says.

I start to say something but Mr. Serrenton shushes me and I roll my eyes.

“Don’t you roll your eyes at me. It’s not my fault that you had to fight him,” He says.

“Whatever,” I say.

“I’m going to call your mom to tell her to pick you up,” Mr. Serrenton says.

He calls my mom and she comes to pick me up. She left work to pick me up but her boss said it was fine.

“Cody, why did you get suspended?” My mom says.

“Because I did. I got into a fight.” I say.

“I know, the principal told me, but why?” She says.

“This guy pushed Daisy and made her fall. I couldn’t let him just do that, so I stood up to him.” I say.

“Did you hit him first?” She says.

“No, I blocked his punch, and hit him back. He started it but the principal won’t suspend him because the championship game is tomorrow.”

“Oh honey, it’s ok. I know it’s not your fault.”

“Ok mom. Thanks mom, I love you.”

The rest of the car ride is silent. When I get home, I go to my room and go to sleep. I wake up at 7:00pm and I start thinking what I’m going to do. I decide to call Daisy.

“Hello?” She says.

“Uhh, hey Daisy,” I say.

“Oh, hey Cody.”

“Hey, I wanted to apologize for what happened today.”

“It’s fine. I know you did it for me.”


“Well, I want to tell you that I thought that was amazing. That was nice of you. Also, what happened after?”

“I got suspended for 5 days.”


“So are you going to go to my party still?”

“Of course I am! As I said before, I wouldn’t miss it for the word.”

“Oh ok.”

“Ok. I have to go. Bye!”


I get off the phone, and try to go back to sleep. I really don’t have nothing to do right now. I go to sleep and am woken up by my mom at 7am on Saturday. She tells me to get ready and set up. I do that and my family arrives. They greet me and walk in. The party goes as any other one goes like. Daisy arrives and we hang out with my family. We laugh, I opened presents, and we ate cake. It was 7pm when everyone left except Daisy.

“Hey Daisy, want to go bowling?” I ask.

“Yeah sure, but I’ve never been bowling,” She says.

We leave to go bowling at a place down the street. I enter the bowling place with Daisy. I see the cashier and start walking towards him. I got two hundred dollars from my family so I pay for Daisy and I. We go and start our match.

“Ugh, this is so heavy,” She says.

“Well, that’s because you picked a large ball. Here’s a smaller ball,” I say while handing her another one.

“Oh thanks. So how do I roll it?” She asks.

“Okay, look.” I say going behind her and taking her hand. “Pull your hand back with the ball, and set up your shot.”

“Okay,” She says smiling.

“Then position yourself and take your shot,” I say while leading her arm to roll it.

The ball goes straight and hits all of the pins and she gets a strike.

“Yes!” She says hugging me.

“Great job!” I say to her.

The game goes on and she wins. We play 2 more games and before we know it, it is 9pm. We leave the bowling place and start walking toward her house. I look over to her and she looks amazing under the moon. Well, she looks amazing anytime anyway. We arrive at her house and she turns to look at me.

“Well, I guess this is goodnight then,” She says.

“Wait, I have a question,” I say.

Should I really do it? I don’t know. I love her, but what if she rejects me? I would be terribly disappointed about it. I really want to be with her though. I’m going to do it.

“Oh, what is it?” She asks.

“Umm,” I say nervously. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Oh god.

“Oh my gosh, Yes!” She says.

“Yes. You just made the happiest guy in the world,” I say.

“And you made me the happiest girl in the world,” She says smiling.

I grab her and we kiss under the moonlight. I have her now, and she has me. I love her, and I’ll tell her that for the rest of her life. I truly am happy. All that waiting, and it was worth it.

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