My First and Worst Kiss | Teen Ink

My First and Worst Kiss

December 21, 2012
By Deep-Blue-Sea SILVER, Choctaw, Oklahoma
Deep-Blue-Sea SILVER, Choctaw, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Ask me no queations and I'll tell you no lies."

He always was kind of cute I won't lie. The way he smiled the way he shook his hair when he laughed. But he never felt the same way about me as I did him. I guess I'm cute. By I don't even begin to compare to Ashlyn. Who cares if we were identical twins. she was always the popular one and I was always the shy one. The one who let everyone have there way before I got my own. he never paid much attention to me, but when Ashlyn walked in the room. His whole face lit up. I guess its just because she has always been more sociable than me. So now that I have my chance at him I make him fall in love with me. It can't be that hard to do Ashlyn has been doing it for months. He probably doesn't even know I exist I'm not exactly what you call popular. So now as I sit in science lab waiting for my partner, he walks in sits on my desk and reaches for my head bringing me into the most delicate kiss ever. My first kiss. When he pulls away he said "Good morning Ashlyn."

The author's comments:
The shear irony.

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