If Only My Dreams Were My Reality... | Teen Ink

If Only My Dreams Were My Reality...

December 18, 2012
By breee.g BRONZE, Avondale, Arizona
breee.g BRONZE, Avondale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Do you believe in love at first sight, Lea?", my best friend Shay asked me as we walked out of the Janet C. High Schools doors.
"No," I responded quickly, "love at first sight only happens in movies or books. You can never love someone that quickly, love is a strong word and emotion. Use it wisely." I explained as we walked to my over-sized navy blue jeep. Getting in, Shay asked me with a flushed look as if she was too happy to stop smiling,
"Well I do, and I don't believe that they only happen in movies or books. True love is true love, even if it only took a second to look into that special someones eyes to realize how much you love them."
"Since when were you so in love? Just before last period, you wanted the day to be over. And now you're over here blushing and asking me the weirdest of questions... Are you okay ? Do you need to go to the hospital?" I spatted quickly as we drove out of the parking lot and into the intersection, stopping at the red light. Shay just shrugged her shoulders and held her school books tighter, letting out a sigh. I didn't want to know who she was day dreaming about in Shay-vile because that would only mean having to listen to her talk about the one that she is madly in love with...
"Who are you madly in love with Shay?!" I snapped without even looking at her.
"Josh Peterson. He's in my biology class and he sits two seats up from me. He's so gorgeous and sweet and he's the quarter back of the varsity football game. He has blond hair and blue eyes, he's tall and smart and perfect. Doesn't he sound perfect, Lea?"
"He sounds like he's taken if you ask me. Quarter back of the varsity football team? You know he's dating the captain of the cheer team, Allyson Lawson, right? I just don't want you to fall too hard and expect him to be there to catch you." I told Shay as I pulled up to my house. Looking at Shay, I saw her face go from hopeful to reality, as her painted face became a blank canvas once again.
Getting out of my car, I grabbed my book bag and shut my door, slipping my keys into the front pocket of my orange and purple bag hanging over my shoulder with my books inside. Shay carefully grabbed her books and softly shut her door as she followed me into my house and into my room. Shutting my bedroom door behind her, she pondered out loud commenting towards me,
"Enough about me, I want to hear about James." she said as she sat down on my bed putting her books on the floor.
James Flores. My crush... I always felt like a little kid, having a crush on someone when you're a senior in high school.
James has sparkling light brown eyes and short dark brown hair. Has a voice of an angel, when he talks, I float. When he sings, I melt. James is tall, very intelligent, and has a sweet and kind heart. He's just wonderful.
"James is still James. We don't talk... much... And he still has a better grade in math than me." I answered as i fixed my curly orange hair that fell to my lower back.
"You don't talk much? More like 'we only ask each other questions about the work we're doing in class' talk. Ha ha ha." Shay teased as she put her long brown hair in a pony tail. I just shrugged my shoulders as I picked up my math book. Shay, still chuckling at what she had told me, laid down on her stomach reading her biology book slowly. I gracefully sat down at my desk, picking up a pink mechanical pencil that matched my tank top and thought about math class...
'During math class, I was day dreaming about James... Oh only if we can just be together! I saw the way he smiled at me when I looked at him... He doesn't smile like that at anyone else...'

'At 9 o'clock, Shay had already left and Lea had already been ready for bed. Lea laid on her bed, softly dazing away. Already dreaming before she was even asleep, as so she thought. Her dream was full of amazing things. Lea and James were a couple, and they could never be happier. All Lea dreamed about was her and James holding each other, being beautiful love birds high on a tree. She felt as though her dream was real, real enough to be her reality. There was one thing though, Shay became best friends with Allyson and never talked to Lea again. She became very upset and James felt bad. Lea would cry in her dream, and while asleep, which made it feel so real. Then, during Lea's dream, she punched Shay in the arm, trying to hurt her. But while asleep, she slept walk out of her bed and to her wall, where, she punched the wall, leaving a well rounded hole the size of her small fist. In the morning, she awoke, finding the hole...
"Where did this come from?" she asked herself, still rubbing her eyes."
Lea never figured out what had happened with her wall. But she felt as if her and Shay weren't best friends anymore. Lea searched for her phone frantically, finding it under her bed, called Shay and explained to her that she was sorry for punching her in the arm and asked if they could still be friends.
Asking Lea confusingly,
"What do you mean Lea? You never punched me in the arm and we are still best friends. Forever and ever! You were probably just dreaming." explained Shay.
"But my dream felt so real, I even still have the red look in my eyes from when I was crying.." stated Lea.
"You were just dreaming, I promise."
As the girls finished their conversation, Lea got ready and left to school.
But as Lea's week goes on, she still has these dreams where everything feels so real. Then one night, her dream was so life like, that Lea drove off in her car, and parked right beside James' house. Crying, she whispered to herself curled up into a ball,
"James, please. I really need you... I can't lose you.. Please, I'm sorry James, I love you..."'

The author's comments:
This is the first chapter of a novel that I have written. I only have the first two chapters done, so I'm only submitting my first one.

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