There Is A Moment | Teen Ink

There Is A Moment

May 6, 2013
By brookestagram BRONZE, Florence, Kentucky
brookestagram BRONZE, Florence, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was new here,
To Dalton Academy
Sent to spy on the competition
Who was the better show choir?

I walked down the winding staircase
Turning every which way
Looking for a friendly face
To lead me in some direction.

Then I laid eyes on him.
The most beautiful boy on the entire planet.
“Oh, excuse me! Um, hi, can I ask you a question?
I’m new here.”
“My name’s Blaine.”

The sound of his voice
Giving me a blissful high
My head up in the clouds
His hand reaching out to shake mine
I smile, replying my name, and taking his hand.

The Warblers,
My biggest competition
The reason I was here,
Staging an impromptu performance
Blaine smiled at me
Grasping my hand

“Come on. I know a shortcut.”

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