Blue Bananas | Teen Ink

Blue Bananas

May 20, 2018
By Anonymous

There was once a banana tree that wanted his bananas to be blue.  He tried slowly edging his way toward a can of blue paint and he dipped each of his bananas into the can so they would all be blue.  But he wanted them to be naturally blue.  The other banana trees thought that he was crazy to want naturally blue bananas, but he didn’t care, he was tired of having yellow bananas, so he inched his way toward a science lab.

After 10 years (50 hours in banana tree time), he made it to a biologist who experimented on plants to make them do irregular things, such as making them different colors.  The banana tree was very excited, but he couldn’t tell the biologist anything because he was only a tree.  He tried his best, but all he could do was nothing really.  But fortunately, he didn’t have to do anything, because once the biologist saw his blue bananas, he decided to make the banana tree’s bananas naturally blue.

He gave it a special serum that made flowers blue, but is didn’t work that well, it only made the banana tree’s bananas slightly darker yellow, so he decided to experiment further.  But by the time the biologist was about to finish, then he had a heart attack.  Fortunately, the biologist lived, but he was in the hospital 100 miles away, so he couldn’t finish making the banana tree’s bananas blue.  The banana tree didn’t know what to do.  He tried to wave his bananas everywhere, but he only managed to move them less than a centimeter after a month.  He looked around the lab hoping for something to help them.  Then, after 2 weeks, he found a can of blue paint.  He reached, but he only managed to move his branches about a millimeter after 3 weeks.  Then he saw a guy with blue paint, so he tried to distract him, he did, but only because of the fact that there was a banana tree outside of a science lab.  He tripped over the banana tree’s roots, and the paint splattered onto the tree and most of it’s bananas.  This attracted a lot of attention, and then a bunch of people gathered around the tree.  Then a different biologist spotted the other biologist’s notes and after he figured out was the other biologist had done, he finished the experiment and made the banana tree’s bananas blue.  The tree happily went home after 15 more years.

The author's comments:

I wanted to make a funny piece, I hope people think its funny.

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