Black Nikes | Teen Ink

Black Nikes

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt that while in Bali George Washington and Noah Kahan investigated the big crime. The water in the deep sea was a bright aqua. Noah Kahan and George Washington investigated the case of the runaway seahorse. It was a cloudy day and as they searched for the seahorse, they found a croc. The croc was seemingly pointing them deeper into the big open sea. They searched for over 228 square miles looking for the seahorse but there was no luck. As they were about to give up they saw a centaur and knew it had to mean something. They ran up to the centaur and he gave them really good advice about remembering “the 21st night of September.” They were wowed and thanked the centaur. They followed what the centaur said and they finally found the seahorse down on the shoreline stuck between some rocks. Yippee Dee we found the sea horse they said and all was well again.

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