The One Crazy Vacation | Teen Ink

The One Crazy Vacation

September 28, 2023
By cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am with my sisters at a tropical resort in Hawaii on a bright red, warm and breezy day. I am drinking my liquid IV at 4:44pm when I see Taylor Swift swimming with the dolphins under the sea. It was quite the show I was seeing, as Taylor Swift is a singer, now putting on a show right in the ocean. The night came about after the show and BOOM I now am all comfy in my ugg slippers laying next to my first ever crush Tyler, talking about how we can’t get our phones to work. I am still caught up on how we were now dating and together. But then there I was seeing food that came into our room, some crispy hash browns that I am craving and thinking how I am going to demolish every last bit of them. After I had got food in my stomach, I am now content and watching my favorite Adam Sandler movie, but now boom Martin Luther King pulls up to my room and starts talking to me. And for as sophisticated as he is I decided to ask him if he saw a flying pig on his way here. But he told me no and that it was not possible for that to happen as he had flown from Lake Oconee in Georgia. 

The author's comments:

This piece is based on imagination and words that I came up with the build a piece. 

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