The Top of the Hill | Teen Ink

The Top of the Hill

December 30, 2022
By JP-A BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
JP-A BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun has long set, but I must get to the top of the hill. The dark shadows left by the moon, shining through the broken branches, seem to swallow up everything around me. The bag that weighed on my back seemed to leak with guilt, as I ponder if I feel remorse for my mistakes. My feet sink into the soil, as I know I will never be able to return back home. Oh, sweet home. I wonder if anyone would miss me. Or would they be happy about my disappearance?

With every thought the weight of the bag grows, as if it wants to pull me down. My footsteps grow heavy, as for every step forward I take, I slide half a step back. Time has long forsaken me in my journey. It has long dragged itself out to the point I worry it’s soon to snap. Though with time I fell into a rhythm, a step forward, half a step back, a step forward, half a step back, and so forth. Slowly, I have made ground, but the world is too cruel to let me have peace.

The grey cloudy skies cried on me, weeping at my betterment, laughing at my sorrow. The world above has forsaken me too. The bitter resentment and cruel jesters turn the soil to mud. The rain spat down on me, mocking my foul attempt to venture its ranks. Its saliva is acidic, burning holes under my skin, burning away at my health. The earth is no better, it grabs at my ankles, dirtying them, pulling them down, and trying to make a bed for me buried inside its mouth. The weight I carry is too much, my steps are incomplete. My feet are too heavy, but if I sit to rest the earth will eat me, sparing no sentiment. So, I keep moving a step forward, a step back, a step forward, a step back, and so forth. The skies lighten as they have grown tired, and I look at how the mud pulled me down. I ponder if my efforts are in vain.

I look up and see my work has greatly undone, I could feel my face scrunch, as I swallow what’s left of me. The bitter taste spread through my torso as my limbs rendered themselves useless. I fought to bring my arms up that hid my shame, and I stumbled forward. Just little steps, I have nothing left, I just need to continue my little steps. I swayed from side to side as the weight on my back dug deep into my skin, causing it to break and bruise. I lost track of time, but as I look up and study my hill with great focus, I can see its peak. My heart swells in my chest as I can tell my hardships were soon to come to an end. My steps double too quick to be dragged back by the weight. Quicker and quicker, I can almost feel the golden glow dancing on my skin.  

I reach my paradise, my peak. The weight loosens with my accomplishment. I fought well and now my award shall present itself. My grim cheer lessens, as my eyes jolt to my sides. My hill was shadowed by those of others, they look down on me shaking their heads at my celebratory glory. Those who reach twice my height dare not smile, only a fool would think I’ve done well, but my hill went nowhere else. Their mountains and their shadows blocked the sun. My body grew heavy as I knew I would never bathe in the warm light from the sun. For my hill was of those meant for the lesser and that is what I am. The eyes of my busiest peer focused on nothing but their journeys, but mine has already come to an end. The earth turned to sand as it slipped and fell from my feet, sending me down, letting everything and nothing consume me. My racing mind was blank. I’ve made peace. The weight slipped away, as the hills and mountains faded from existence. I closed my eyes and listened to my bones crushing as my body hit the dirty street. 

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