Growth | Teen Ink


May 26, 2022
By mary-catzin BRONZE, Willits, California
mary-catzin BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was really dark. I would get water everyday so it wasn’t all bad, but other than that it was really dark. It felt like forever but one day I saw a big bright yellow light coming from above me. The yellow light felt so warm and so comforting. Once I got adjusted to how bright it was, I saw a lot of green stuff on the floor and there were some very tall figures with that green stuff on it.

A long time passed and I had changed a lot. I was taller which meant I could see a lot more and I found out my name is Tree because that’s what the other trees told me. I also had a friend. Her name was Evangeline and she was seven years old. Everyday she would come out of a big brown box. I’m not sure it would be considered a box because there was a triangle on top of it but she lived there with her two friends. Once the bright light came out, so did Evangeline. She would sit next to me and I would watch her play with her toys.

After a long time Evangeline and I were still great friends. I had grown extremely tall and I had a lot of branches. One day, Evangeline's friend hung a swing on one of my branches for Evangeline. She was the best. I kept her in the shade while she would talk to me everyday. I enjoyed seeing her more than I enjoyed seeing Moon. Moon was a great friend. I would tell him all about Evangeline and he would tell me about Sun. Sun and him were best friends but they never got to see each other. 

When Evangeline had grown as tall as my lowest branch she stopped coming around as much. She would still come to visit every couple of months but it wasn’t the same as before. The winters felt very long and lonely. My leaves were all gone. I was very cold. I had no one to talk to.

When summer came around I made a new friend whose name was Sun. Turns out that the big yellow light I saw everyday was actually Sun, Moon's best friend. I was starting to feel a lot better because I became friends with Sun, and my leaves all grew back. One day Evangeline came back and she brought a friend. She came to sit on the swing and just talked to me about what was happening in her life. She told me she was getting married to a wonderful man. Evangeline was also sad because she was moving very far away. I was happy that I got to see her get married. I was happy that she was happy even if I didn’t see her. 

As I was sleeping on a warm afternoon, I heard three little kids running outside. One was sitting on the swing. Then I saw her. She looked a lot older. Her hair was lighter and her face looked a bit different. Even though she didn’t look the same as the last time that I saw her, I knew she was the same Evangeline that I met when she was seven. After all the kids went inside she sat on the swing and told me everything that had happened since I last saw her. She had three kids. One was an eight year old boy and had girl twins that were five years old. I was really happy when she told me that she was moving back. It would be like old times. I am glad that I got to watch her grow up and now I will get to watch her kids grow up too.

The author's comments:

I am a senior in high school and I am currently taking a creative writing class. This class has been able to help me express myself through short stories. This short story is about a tree. My goal while writing this was to change peoples perspective. To see trees, plants, and earth as a living breathing thing.

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