My Home | Teen Ink

My Home

November 28, 2013
By Folly051 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Folly051 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" No Pain no game

let me tell you about the day i went to aunt Jeremiahs house. well it was only 3 day's into summer. My mom was going through picture albums. Soon enough she said have i every told about your aunt Jeremiah. I said no. Then my mom said aunt Jeremiah was a rich factory owner. I said if aunt Jeremiah is rich than why are we still living on a farm. My mom said, because aunt Jeremiah wont let us live in her mansion. Why, does she have to be so greedy. Well my mom said we would be going to her house tomorrow.

We arrived at aunt Jeremiah's's house, 3 hours into our car i got out of the car, i couldn't stopping at aunt Jeremiahs mansion.
I asked mom,why are we poor she said to shut your mouth young lady! When aunt Jeremiah walked out of her house she
was wearing a beautiful silk dress. When i went to say hi to her she said who are you looking at dirty young lady. My mom interrupted and i was her daughter. She said i needed some new cloths. That really made me made.

When we got inside i asked, what kind of factory does she own. Her answer was darling i own a rich syrup factory. So i said you became rich because of some stupid syrup, and she said yes darling. Soon enough she took me on a tour of some new products shes making for the new factory. Stuff like syrup taffy, syrup flavored gum, and syrup filled muffins. So how was the over all tour mom asked. I said it was great and i had lots of fun.

Finally the time has come the day we leave. I had to pack up my stuff. Aunt Jeremiah gave me one of her products. We gave hugs and kisses, but than she had one more surprise for us. Instead of taking our car home she bought us a limo.
My mom was surprise that our whole stay sh wasn't greedy at all. So we took the time to say thank you to aunt Jeremiah for letting us stay for a couple of months. i just couldn't wait to get to my home sweet home!

The author's comments:
My name is Folly, I'am the author and writer of My Home
I hope you had a great summer because this didn't. I hope you enjoy it!

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