The War Journey | Teen Ink

The War Journey

November 1, 2013
By Ethan Quilumba BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
Ethan Quilumba BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The War Journey
“Help” I heard off to my right someone screaming for help. I rush over to see what is happening it was my brother. He was shot on his leg I rip of a piece of his shirt and tie it tight around his leg he screams because of the pain. I helped Tom up the British are getting closer I heard more gunshots and more screams. I start to run the British were gaining up on us. I used all my strength to get us to safety.
Just when I thought we were safe a Britain comes out of nowhere with a gun intending to kill me. He took a shot but missed right away I could tell he was just recruited to the army. While he was reloading I kicked the gun out of his hand. He ran away scared when he was left unarmed. I started to run again with Tom.
“Stop” Tom said
“What is it”
“There’s nothing”
“Exactly” he said. Before I could figure out what he meant I heard a man yell.
“Attack them!” I saw a redcoat and I realized I had better start running. I might have been the fastest runner in my town but Tom was weighing me down. That’s when I thought to myself what if this was the end. I guess Tom saw the expression on my face because he said to go on without him.
“You’re crazy.”
“It’s better if one of us makes it home than both of us dying.” Tom replied
“I’m not leaving you behind.” I heard the British right behind us so I braced myself for the worst as a swarm of redcoats ambushed us.

Section 1
1 year earlier
I hear the sound of laughter coming from my sister as me and Tom make Bella laugh. We are waiting for my father to return home from the war he has been there fighting for almost 2 yrs. And now he is returning home. My family is having a welcome back party while my mother is in the kitchen cooking food for my father. Then we hear knock on the door. My mom goes to open it. It isn’t my father it is a general from the army. He says something that makes my mom expression change. My mom came into the room she told Bella to go to her room and she asks why and then my mom said to just go.
“Steven, Tom this won’t be easy for me to tell you but your father he’s…...he’s dead” my mother told us.
“What?” asks Tom “What do you mean he’s dead?”
My mother replies “Tom I know you loved your father but……”
Tom cuts her off “He can’t be dead” his voice cracking “He sent us that letter saying he was coming home two days ago and now you’re saying that his dead.”
“The British ambushed the base he was staying at and they weren’t ready.” “Your father was shot and they took him to the medic but he didn’t live.”
I was too shocked to speak, Tom went upstairs without saying a word and my mom went to her bedroom I was left there alone. Then Bella came downstairs.
“What’s wrong” she asked “Is everything alright”
“Dad won’t be coming home” I replied.
“No” she said “He he’s dead he can’t be dead”
“The British ambushed his base they killed him” I told her
“NO HE’S NOT DEAD!” she screamed. “HE’S STILL ALIVE” she ran upstairs crying. I want to think he’s still alive. I want to think that this is all a dream but this is real life and my father is dead.

Section 2
One week later. “I am going to be late” I think to myself. As I rush off to my new job I see Tom selling antiques he waves at me and I wave back. I am finally at the Stop and Repair Shop. I hear a chime from the door it’s a customer
“Quick get your uniform on” he tells me. I quickly put on my uniform.
“Welcome to the Stop and Repair Shop” I say “How may I help you.” I see that he is wearing a uniform and has a badge that says Army.
“I’m here looking for recruits for the army” he tells me.
“There’s no one here for you to recruit.” I tell him “But would you like to buy something or have me fix something.”
“No thanks none to recruit right” he replies
“Yep not one person” I reply. I look over his shoulder to see who got recruited. I see something that makes my heart beating. It is my brother Tom it looked like someone had beaten him with a stick. All the recruits look like that.
Before I realize what is happening the soldier hits me with a piece of wood.
“As you can tell we are running dangerously low on soldiers and we need new ones” he tells as he hits me again. My boss comes out of his office.
“Hey what are you doing?” he says to the soldier. “I’m calling the police” my boss tells the man
“Fool I am in the army do you actually think they will arrest me.” He whacks me again but this time I roll out of his way. I get up and dash out the door. I run as fast as I could. I glance at Tom I can’t leave him like that. I jump onto the wagon and cut him free along with the rest of them. Right when we are about to jump off the wagon I see a whole bunch of soldiers surrounding us.
“Fool do you want us to lose the war!” the soldier yells. I jump off the wagon with Tom and the rest we start running in different directions. A huge soldier with ripped muscles comes out of nowhere then everything went black.

Section 3
Bump, bump, bump. I wake up to the sound of horses galloping. I find myself tied up on a wagon. I look next to me I see Tom and a couple of other people that I helped to escape tied up. I guess they didn’t make it either.
“Good your awake” I hear an awfully familiar voice. I look to where the voice came from.
“Oh it’s you” I tell the soldier that was beating me with the stick.
“Yes it’s me but me has a name and that’s Sergeant Buster but you can call me Adam”
“What do you want with us” I reply
“Good question we are looking for people who are fast, have agility, and can fight.” Adam answers. “We know about your father he always talked about you and your brother how you are the best sons ever.” The thought of my father saying that made me want to cry. He always told us that we are athletic and will someday change the world. I just didn’t know how we are going to.
“Sir” the other soldier said “Were here”
“Excellent help them off wouldn’t want them getting hurt now would we”
“Hurt you beat us with a stick” I told him
“It was the only way to get you to join” he replied. They helped us off and led us to a big tent which I’m guessing is the commanding officers tent. Inside there are lots of weapons, uniforms, and badges. In front of us was a desk with three men around it. One of them looks up.
“You’re here I’m glad you have joined us I’m Officer Grant” he tells us “Sergeant Buster give them their uniforms”
“Yes sir” Adam replies. He hands us each our uniforms. “You guys are going to be joining me and my small group in attacking the British” he explains to us “There will be 7 groups you are group 3 got it. You will be sleeping in tent 3 now go get some rest we got a big day ahead of us tomorrow fallout”

Section 4
“Wake up if we want to get the jump on the British we got to get them while they are asleep.” Yells Sergeant Buster. I groan reluctantly I get up, take a shower, brush my teeth, and put my uniform on. I glance at Tom who is already ready and Sergeant Buster gives him a gun. He starts handing them out to everyone and soon to me.
“Seems you got the best one” he tells me “This here will help you to survive it can hold 20 bullets take care of it.”
“No thanks” I reply “I won’t kill anyone.” I start to walk away.
“It’s a shame it was a gift from your father take it he would want you to have it.”He hands it to me.
“Thanks” I tell him and take the gun.
“All right line up” immediately everyone lines up and stars marching out the door. We traveled for two hours and then finally we got into the British base camp. There are big tent the size of a one story house advanced weapons and no one guarding it. A place to shower a swimming pool and a breakfast buffet no wonder we are losing the war. I hear rustling to the side and see something hiding in the bushes. I walk closer and then a man yells.
“We’ve been invaded!”Everyone British piles out dressed and ready for combat this was not part of the plan. The whole British army and our group of 35 people we are outnumbered. Just then the other groups come. 40 people in 1. 50 people in 2. We are still outnumbered. That doesn’t matter to them they go in and attack I see tom being attacked by someone I didn’t want to kill anyone so hit him on his head with the butt of my gun. I see that we are dropping like dead flies.
“Retreat!” Sergeant Buster yells. I hear a gunshot and I see Sergeant Buster going down. I make a run for it along with the others trying to reach our camp was another mission because the British are right behind us.

Section 5
“Help” I heard off to my right someone screaming for help. I rush over to see what is happening it was my brother. He was shot on his leg I rip of a piece of his shirt and tie it tight around his leg he screams because of the pain. I help Tom up the British are getting closer I heard more gunshots and more screams. I start to run the British were gaining up on us. I used all my strength to get us to safety.
Just when I thought we were safe a Britain comes out of nowhere with a gun intending to kill me. He took a shot but missed right away I could tell he was just recruited to the army. While he was reloading I kicked the gun out of his hand. He ran away scared when he was left unarmed. I started to run again with Tom.
“Stop” Tom said
“What is it” I asked
“There’s nothing” I told him.
“Exactly” he said. Before I could figure out what he meant I heard a man yell.
“Attack!” I saw a redcoat and I realized I had better start running. I might have been the fastest runner in my town but Tom was weighing me down. That’s when I thought to myself what if this was the end. I guess Tom saw the expression on my face because he said to go on without him.
“You’re crazy.” I said
“It’s better if one of us makes it home than both of us dying.” Tom replied
“I’m not leaving you behind.” I heard the British right behind us so I braced myself for the worst as a swarm of redcoats ambushed us.

Section 6
I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a hospital I glance to my right and see Sergeant Buster. To my left I see Tom with a bandage around his forehead, leg, and arm. I feel my head I also have bandage also a bandage on my shoulder. How did we survive that was more than half of the British army? I get up or at least try to and my eyesight gets blurry and I get nauseous.
“Easy now don’t strain yourself.” I hear a familiar voice. I glance over to my right and see Officer Grant.
“What happened? I ask
“The British were beating you up when we got to you we killed some captured most but some got away. You had minor injuries but Tom had some major ones.” I look over at my brother.
“Will he live” I asked
“Yes he was majorly hurt but the doctors helped him” he replied
“What about Sergeant Buster” I asked. He pursed his lips
“He has a chance of living but he had 2 bullets one in his shoulder and one in his stomach he might not make it.”
“When can I leave” I asked
“Today, you have been out for 2 days the doctors think you’re ready” Officer Grant replied
“What about Tom” wondering if he can com
“Him too but you will have to wait an hour before you leave.”
“That’s okay at least we’re both alive” I replied. I want back to sleep knowing that everything would be alright after all. Tomorrow Tom and I will be heading back home to see my mother and my sister.

Section 7
As I load the wagon with Tom I look at Officer Grant and see him coming with a box in his hand.
“Here a gift from me” he hands us each a box. I open it and see a new ranking in it, Lieutenant.
“Thanks but I think I will just stay home fighting in the war just isn’t my thing.” I tell him
“Take it just in case you want to come back I could use people like you.” He replies. Tom hops on the wagon and takes the reins being the oldest he gets to drive.
“Come on if we want to get home before dark we have to go now.” He tells me
“Alright lets go then” I reply. Me (being 4ft and 11in) had to just simply put my foot on the seat and push myself up. We say goodbye and then we go on our way. Home was 3 hrs away so Tom had to make the horses run as fast as they can to get there before the sun sets. We pass other villages reminding us of our little village. I wonder how long had we been away from home. Judging by the way the villagers are dressing it is summer and we had been away for about 5 weeks. After 3 long hours we finally arrive at our house. We hop off our wagon.
“Well here we go” Tome says. I knock on the door and wait for my mom to answer she finally does. She hugs us both and we hug her back.
“What happened that night you didn’t come home I was worried sick. I prayed that you would be safe come inside I will make something to eat.” She tells us. When we walk inside I see my little sister Bella come downstairs and run to us and hug us. My mom comes in the living room wanting to know what happened. I tell her everything that happened.
“You could’ve gotten hurt at least you could’ve written us a letter to let us know you’re okay” she scolded us. It didn’t matter to me what she did because I knew she was glad to have us back. I looked up knowing my dad would be proud of us after all we did survive a brutal war and came back home to our family. I looked at Bella she had grown taller. I realized soon she wouldn’t need us anymore. So I decided to take this part of life slow and cherish every moment because you never know when someone might just take it all away.

The End

The author's comments:
I wrote this to show that you have little time to spend with your family so cherish it.

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