Titanfall on Xbox360 XboxOne Windows | Teen Ink

Titanfall on Xbox360 XboxOne Windows

May 2, 2014
By joshishere BRONZE, Cashmere, Washington
joshishere BRONZE, Cashmere, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

TitanFall Review

When I first heard of titan fall I thought that it was going to be just another first person shooter with a cheesy story that no one would care about and would soon get then sooner or later get tossed into the figurative bin of over hyped games and would never be spoken of again, but then I saw some game play footage and was just blow away. The first thing that caught everyone’s eye was the giant mechanical suits that rain from above called “Titans. Out of the corner of your eye you see men and women running on walls and double jumping every which way as you get shot at from a seemingly impossible to reach roof top needless to say the parkour or free running in this game is truly jaw dropping. The maps are all about the same size, pretty small now that I think about it, but with the parkour and the practically unlimited reach of your pilot the map seems huge. The one thing that has really helped keep this game from enraging many bad players like me is how comical the melee is, just seeing someone fly across the room after getting jump kicked or the way your camera swings around when you get assassinated from behind.

So, everyone’s immediate attraction to this game was the fifteen foot tall robotic suits called “Titans” of which the game is named after. My first fear when playing this game was that the titans would feel awkward, clunky, or out of place but they are as smooth as the wallrunning, which I will get to later, and there presents doesn’t seem like a last minute addition they feel like they were meant to be there from the beginning and the game really benefits from them. Although sometimes when you are playing the Last Titan Standing game mode titans are very tight packed on some maps and do feel clunky as you sometimes have restricted movement because you’re running into another titan. There are only three chassis to choose from when customizing your character but that’s really all you need. There are many titan weapons, off-hands and abilities to choose from and every combination is a different playing style.

The one thing that everybody loves in pretty much any game is parkour as long as it quick and dynamic and boy does this game deliver just that. You can even hang on the walls anywhere and I mean anywhere though it is solemn used because you must fire from the hip it adds just enough spice and variation to keep you on your toes. With the parkour kit as a perk you can make it into the smallest nooks and crannies or the tallest point in seconds flat. There are almost no invisible walls so you can find yourself in really high really secret locations and you learn other people’s places the more you play. It is almost like a community of unspoken rules, secrets, and locations when it comes to everywhere you can go and do.

All of the maps have a different sort of feel. There are a few maps that seem cramped and small until you take a closer look. There are buildings, tubes, and spires that are all accessible. No two maps are the same you can go from a lagoon to a dust bowl to a city to Spectra manufacturing locations, and many more there are some that look huge but in the end most of them take about fifteen seconds to get from one side to the other. All share one thing in common, they look beat up, battered and destroyed yes you can recognize what it is and the buildings are in decent condition but there are holes and twenty foot high tunnels.

The melee is hilarious. You can only jump kick people, and snap necks for melee, I’ve never cracked up from getting killed other than when I get kicked twenty feet by some prosthetic legs. I hoot and holler at how cool it looks when my camera jerks around because I got my neck snapped and I’m laying on the ground as the camera fallows me down to the dirt I feel like a hero with this hand to hand combat destroying A.I and human alike. There are a few glitches every here and there where you are in a sort of kicking competition with another player but even if you lose you are cracking up.

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