Call of Duty Black Ops on Playstation 3 | Teen Ink

Call of Duty Black Ops on Playstation 3

December 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Have you ever had a game you can’t keep your eyes off? Then Call of Duty Black Ops is a game for you.
The main part of Blacks Ops is to reach 15th prestige and buy all of the weapons, grenades, face paint, and all the weapons camouflage. A pretty cool thing about Black Ops is the kill streaks, which is the amount of kills you get in one life. You can get a spy plane which shows the other team on the map, and you can get helicopters. This is a great game for playing online because now you can have someone playing on the same system as you. Yes you can have two people online at the same time. And you can play with people from all over the world if they have the same system. They also made new matches called wager matches. You just need to come in first, second, or third to get money. First place gets 30$, second place gets 18$, and third gets 15$. My favorite part about the game is the maps. They’re really good for hiding and getting kill streaks.
Call of Duty Black Ops is a really intense game and I would rate it five stars because it’s the perfect game for me.

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on Jan. 8 2011 at 10:16 am
ossiecastro5 PLATINUM, A Single Light In, New Jersey
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It is good. Yet is it so confusing. Maybe it is because I never played a shooting game before......