The Carrie Diaries | Teen Ink

The Carrie Diaries

January 7, 2014
By America Bejarano BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
America Bejarano BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Carrie Diaries is a show telling a story of a girl that is going to a high school and working the job of her dreams in Manhattan. The main characters is Carrie Bradshaw she is in the 11th grade in high school during the 1980s. Carrie is not the usual girl if she wants something she will not stop at anything to get it. The area where the show takes place is in either Manhattan, Carries school, and Carries house.

If you like typical ‘80s movies and a romance show than you will like The Carrie Diaries. Not only does it draw you in with the romance, but the comedy that can be seen in the way some of the people act . The way they dress and the way the things are seen in the show make it clear how easy times were which brings in that typical ‘80s movie feel. Most of the romance in show is confusion of teenage girls and hormones which many girls can relate to feeling and the things that happen in the show are more like real life things that happen now in day.

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