Castle | Teen Ink


March 21, 2011
By Rachel Weigel BRONZE, Chanhassen, Minnesota
Rachel Weigel BRONZE, Chanhassen, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every Monday before nine pm I am frantically trying to finish all of my homework so I can sit down in front of the television with my family and watch a complicated, mind-boggling murder mystery unfold before my eyes on the hit show ‘Castle’. When I rate an effective new hit television series many requirements come into my head; suspenseful, funny, thrilling, realistic (not the reality show kind of realistic so many shows are abusing today), relatable, and romantic. If a show has at least two of the latter, it is bound to have some success with the audience today in USA. So when choosing a show, why not choose to watch a show that has them all, like ‘Castle’! Every episode has a new murdered victim with the murderer running loose in New York. The show is superb at keeping your odds of guessing the murderer early in the show slim to none.

I am an avid follower and have seen close to every episode of the series thus far. My favorite episode by far was a two-part show that continued for two weeks. The plot of the episode was definitely intricate enough to fill the expectations I had for it coming back the following Monday after the first part. I will not give away anything but the plot was about a nuclear bomb running loose in Manhattan ready to explode any minute. This may sound like a cliché premises for a detective’s work, but trust me it was anything but. It made me think on a national scale about terrorism and how many defense mechanisms are taken every day for my safety that I am unaware of.

One great thing about ‘Castle’ being aired on ABC network is that you can watch full episodes online at . Hope you are intrigued enough to watch an episode or two online, or even become a faithful follower on Mondays at 9. P.S.-The two-part episode is called “Countdown”, it’s a good place to get a feel for the romance between Castle and the NYPD detective Kate Beckett, the thin line between life an death, and the intricacy behind solving a murder mystery, 21st century style.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 8 2011 at 11:43 am
KingsMuse BRONZE, Chelmsford, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Each life makes its own imitation of immortality." -Stephen King

This is my favorite show! I really enjoyed the episode about the underground pub! Keep writing, it looks great.