Don't F*** With Cats | Teen Ink

Don't F*** With Cats

January 24, 2020
By A2345 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
A2345 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The most inflated egos are the most fragile-All Might

This documentary/true crime is about, A twisted criminal ́s gruesome videos drive

A group of amateur online sleuths to launch a risky manhunt that brings them into

A dark underworld.It was released on to Netflix December 18,2019.Despite the swear word in the title, as if it is tapping into the internetś obsession with funny cat videos.But it's much darker than that. It is a three-part series that took place in 2012 after a worldwide manhunt.


   2012 a video was uploaded on the internet that said ´´1 boy 2 kittens ́ ́and the video showed 2 kittens on the bed. The man petting them until he goes to the right to pick up a Plastic bag then stuffing the 2 kittens in the bag turning on a vacuum cleaner to suck all the air out until they die. The person even commented saying ́ ́hahaha die!´´. People were outraged by the fact he uploads something so horrifying. People needed to do

Something at once.


   Online computer nerds felt the liberty to try and stop this guy from hurting anymore animals. My reaction when I saw that,I ́m like wow there really committed to find him.

The people go back to the video to find some clues if it can lead to where he is at.

The look at his clothes, they see a poster on the wall, pack of cigarettes, a vacuum, and voices in the other room they can't understand the language there speaking so they try to explore a little bit.

They find out that it´s russian  so he could be hiding in russia but they also look up the vacuum and believe he could now be hiding in U.S.,Canada. This manhunt goes viral and lures Rescue ink to the investigation.


 I would recommend this book to teens and adults. If you want to know more than watch the documentary on Netflix this manhunt goes crazy out of hands.   

The author's comments:

This crime took place 2012-2014.

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