Be Concerned by twenty one pilots | Teen Ink

Be Concerned by twenty one pilots

October 24, 2016
By HailToTheStud SILVER, West Haven, Utah
HailToTheStud SILVER, West Haven, Utah
7 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;To be successful as a man is to make more money than your significant other can spend. To be successful as a woman is to find such a man.&quot;<br /> &quot;Trial is putting your life in the hands of 12 people that weren&#039;t smart enough to get out of jury duty&quot;

I listen to music more than what’s probably healthy for a kid, so I’ve “been around the block” when it comes to music taste, so to speak. But one song stands out in particular to me. This song is also from one of the best albums that has ever graced my ears, as well. Definitely worth checking out. But the song that stood out in particular was  by the title of “Kitchen sink” by Twenty One Pilots. For those of you that don’t binge-listen to Twenty One Pilots, the lead singer, Tyler Joseph, has a knack for writing songs that every time you listen to them, you get an even deeper song than you did when you last listed to it. He is so talented. But this band connects with their audience like you wouldn’t believe. But anyways, onto the actual song review.
This song starts off with a very light rhythmic sound, that I honestly can’t even put to words, before slamming you with a drum solo that will bring tears to your eyes, which leads right into potentially one of the most profound yet simple verses I have ever heard. “Nobody thinks what I think. Nobody dreams when they blink, think things on the brink of blasphemy, I’m my own shrink, think things are after me, my catastrophe. I’m a kitchen sink. You don’t know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay friend?” Tyler later revealed some of the meaning behind this in an interview about his music. he said that something happened to him at a kitchen sink that really changed his life. We can only really guess at what this means, but I think that the song was supposed to mean something different to everyone that listened to it.
This eventually leads into a chorus of “go away”s and “leave me alone”s, which I feel that most every teenager, if not every teenager, can relate to, and this band is so good at that. Relating to their audience, and giving them a support, I mean. This song is so soft yet deep and sad, and profound, and incredible, and tear-jerking, and supportive that I can’t recommend it enough.
This leads us into our next verse, which almost seems like its in reply to the first verse. “Nobody thinks what you think, no one. Empathy might be on the brink of extinction, they will play a game and try to say that they know what you’re going through, when I try to come up with an artistic way to say ‘they don’t know you.‘ And neither do I...” This hit me right in the heart. If the first verse didn’t hit me this hard (it did), then the second one did. In the next few seconds of the song, Tyler introduces his brother with a “Here’s my brother, and his head’s screwed up, but that’s alright.” At which point he starts rapping, and I’m not even going to try to tell you what he said, because It’d take me all day, as it went pretty dang fast. but it is amazing. That’s the only way that could even come close to describing it.
So overall, I would give this song 5 out of 5 Holy Mackerels. The album is called Regional at Best, and other notable songs on the album are Glowing Eyes, Be Concerned, Clear, and Anathema. But the entire album is incredible, and I can’t recommend it enough.

The author's comments:

It was so incredibly hard to choose just one song to review, and looking back, I should have reviewed the entire album. Stay alive, guys. |-/


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