Nirvana - Bleach | Teen Ink

Nirvana - Bleach MAG

By Anonymous

   "Bleach" is a must-have for any true Nirvana fan. With its slow, low-tuned, grungy guitars, and screeching vocals, it is something that a true fan can appreciate.

"Bleach" starts with "Blew," a heavy rock song. It also has "Swap Meet," "School," "Sifting," and "Big Cheese." "Love Buzz," a cover of a Shocking Blue song, is also on this album.

You've probably heard "About A Girl" on "Nirvana Unplugged." The original version is on "Bleach."

Two tracks on the album, "Floyd The Barber" and "Paper Cuts," were recorded on Nirvana's first demo on January 23, 1988 with Dale Crover (of The Melvins) on drums.

If you are a true Nirvana fan, you probably already have "Bleach," but I recommend it to anyone who likes this kind of music


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i love this so much!

LocalWeaboo said...
on May. 15 2017 at 1:21 pm
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I like to drink some bleach with my anime body pillow