James Bond Spectre | Teen Ink

James Bond Spectre

May 5, 2016
By Darb867 BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
Darb867 BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
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James Bond has a long line of movies and they all don’t have the same characters. About every five movies they change the James Bond character. The newest movie that came out was Spectre. Spectre is about a cryptic message that was sent to James from the past. The message told him that he needed to go to Mexico City and Rome. He meets this woman there that told him about a secret meeting. When he went to the meeting he found out an organization called Spectre. He was doing this mission alone and he needed help, for an old nemesis’ daughter. But first he has to find her, once he found out where she was, he realized that the enemies were after her already. Once he finds her, he is trying to find the heart of Spectre. But then he finds a connection between the organization and his life. The leader of Spectre organization grew up with him, his name was Ernst. That is why he knew everything that James’ was doing and he knew everything about him.When James’ parents died, Ernsts parents took James in as one of their own. Ernst got jealous and he killed his father while hiking. James was in shock, but then Ernst captured James. James got out and arrested him. James then retired from being an agent. Daniel Craig, who is the actor for James Bond. He works for a secret agency, his agency name is 007. In the movie before Spectre his boss, who they called mom, died from the enemy of the last movie. So since then he has been working for another man that took over, but has not really listen to him that well. He went and did that mission in Mexico without telling him because Mom took a video of herself before she died and sent it to James so he can do it without getting caught. James only told two people in the agency so that way the could cover him up so no one would figure out what he was doing.

Spectre is one of the top movies they have created. Most of their movies all connected to james, like in skyfall they used the house he lived in. But this movie connected to the family he was with when his parents died. The action in the movie is very good and the movie never gets boring. It always has very good introduction credits, they always have a singer sing them too. Spectre had Sam Smith as the singer. The James Bond actor was Daniel Craig, he has already acted in three other ones before Spectre. Daniel Craig was one of the best actor that has filmed in the James Bond movies. The action in this movie is very intense and more realistic, for example they didn’t put any stunts in there that wouldn’t happen in real life. They had very good events that happened in the movie. In the beginning of the movie they were in mexico, they were celebrating Day of the Dead. Another thing about the movie is the places they film the scene. They film the movie in all kinds of places, they filmed in Mexico and in the middle of the movie they were in Alaska, and then at the end of the movie they were in a desert, then they were in London. If you like action movies this would definitely be the movie to see. There is always action going on, and if not you are figuring out what the movie is about.

This movie is a very good movie to see. For the people that love action movies, this is the movie to see because there is so much action in it. In the first five minutes in the story was action when they were in Mexico City. Most people think the first 10 minutes of the movie think it was already worth their ticket. This movie is also funny in its own way, so if you like funny movies you can watch this too. This movie is a must see to anyone, because it is all around a good movie with action and adventure, everyone should see this movie.


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