Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By TYNMia505 BRONZE, Ferndale, Michigan
TYNMia505 BRONZE, Ferndale, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did you ever know someone that got pregnant at an early age? That’s what happened in the movie Juno. A teenage girl named Juno got pregnant by her best friend, Bleeker. She decides to keep the baby and give it up for adoption. The movie was well constructed and clever.


What makes Juno work is its smart and witty dialogue written by the first time screenwriter Diablo Cody. The main actors Ellen Page, Michael Care, Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman, Allison Janney, and J.K. Simmons portrayed their characters so well. Their facial expressions and tones of voice made the movie more funny and down to earth.
The movie won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and earned three other Oscars nominations, including Best Picture and Best actress for Ellen Page. Now if that doesn’t say it’s a good movie I don’t know what does! The movie gives off a vibrant feel with the animations and colors. It teaches what some girls are going through in a cute way instead of the harsh reality.

The film maintains a very light and bouncy tone that is aided by the subtle acoustic numbers of former Moldy Peaches singer Kimya Dawson. It was the first chart-topping soundtrack since Dreamgirls and 20th Century Fox’s first number one soundtrack since Titanic. Juno earned $6.5 million in twenty days; the first nineteen was when the film was in limited release. It went on to earn $231 million and was a top ten movie according to critics.
Some people say Juno was a bad movie because of the characters, wittiness, dialogue, and plot but if it was a bad movie it wouldn’t have won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. The movie was still great and ranked top ten of 2007. Now do you want to see Juno?

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