Brave Heart | Teen Ink

Brave Heart

September 29, 2015
By mastermack77 BRONZE, Vauxhall, West Virginia
mastermack77 BRONZE, Vauxhall, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brave heart) a true story takes place in the thirteenth century in Scotland. An unexpected hero named William Wallace (Mel Gibson) starts a rebellion over the English empire.  When William was a child the English killed his father and also killed a small town of people which made Wallace scarred for life. When he gets older he finds his wife but they aren’t allowed to be married when the English solders find out they rape and kill his wife.

Wallace finds revenge by joining the war and bringing many people along with him. He soon becomes the leader of the army and is looked to as a god. He takes down English camps and has huge battles. He scared the English in a few battles and they retreat but in a few they fight but Wallace’s army wins. At the end the English king captures Wallace and cuts off his head.

  I really liked the movie and it is my favorite movie. Mel Gibson does a great job of being William Wallace, the movie has everything romance comedy action independence.

The author's comments:

its my favorite movie.

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