The Three Municipalities | Teen Ink

The Three Municipalities

September 23, 2015
By Sabrinalima BRONZE, Couts, Other
Sabrinalima BRONZE, Couts, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This film, which makes us think that not everything money can buy .  can  even buy many things more life nor happiness he did not buy , this film tells the history man who chooses his happiness and life and not wealth, for its right choices was very happy.

There was a couple who lived in the country, they have simply had not had living conditions, to be in need.  They   had a chicken and that was that it would put the egg in it was his food. Then one day the man who called himself John, decided to leave for work, left his wife alone and went. Very walked job search until they   reached   a certain farm,   and   started   transformer. During this time work, many things happened to him, women want a lot, more expensive he loved his wife,   then resisted the temptations of these. He worked 20 years on the farm, then   decided   to  go home. Spoke with his boss, he said he was ready to voutar   your   home. The boss told him that he had a lot of money on it because he had worked a long time. But he asked a question to John if he wanted the money for the time worked, or the three municipalities. So I asked him the time to think ... The next day, he comes to your boss and tell him you want the three councils.  Then   his  boss  gave him the three councils. County first: never take shortcuts, shortest  paths,  it  may cost you your life.  Second   municipality;   never  seje curious as this may be an evil against you.  Third   municipality, never losing his head without knowing what will do, understand, find out first and always the best.

After giving the three councils, he gave three bread to him, two was to eat on the way and the other when he arrived at his home with his wife. So, Joao went on their way home. coming in a certain place, there were two roads, one was a shortcut, was closer and dangerous and another path that was away and had not danger. He began going by the shortcut, and recalled the first county. then he came back, and it was for the other. For walking too, since he felt tired, then he saw one bedroom and went to sleep it. When it was midnight he heard an ugly cry, he was curious to see what it was, but it was not looking reminded the second county. The next day he asked the owner of the bedroom that screams were those, she said it was crazy, and that if he had left to look, the madman would have killed him. Then Joao looked at the sky said "thank my boss." John continues his walk ... coming near his home, he saw his wife hugging a boy. He furious, grabs a knife, and goes in direction to them to kill them, then he remembers the last county. for he throws the knife on the floor and cry ... Grab your stuff and goes up to her. Upon arriving, crying asks his wife Maria because she had betrayed him. She said, Joao your mistake when you went to work you got me pregnant. So happy, Joao crying and looking at the sky saying thank my boss. They have been eating the last bread that John wore when he opened it, all the money was, by the time they had worked.

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