Jurassic Park | Teen Ink

Jurassic Park

September 15, 2015
By gizmo123 BRONZE, Lomond, Florida
gizmo123 BRONZE, Lomond, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing really to say about one of the biggest movies ever made. What can you really say about dinosaurs coming back to life with dino D.N.A. This movie brought fear and terror into the young kids of 1993. Even today with the new remake it brings life into the prehistoric fossils that vanished millions of years ago into one movie with lawyers getting digested by T-Rex’s ,and little kids that somehow outsmart one of the most brilliant predators of all time. Other than a few flaws in size and characteristics the dinosaurs brought to life by Steven Spielberg is outright amazing.

The plot is that the rival company Biosyn was 25 years behind what Ingen was already bringing to life so they hire a man on the inside (a fat man) to steal some D.N.A. embryos. During a blackout he designed on his computer during a storm which ends badly when a dilophosaurus catches him off guard to spray him with a very corrosive acid and zooms out to the newly lost cool whip can.(watch it to find out why)

Meanwhile the others are finding new areas to hide in while the kids are stuck in the kitchen. The weirdest part that I don't believe is that a 13 year old girl hacked a million dollar security network to close the doors when she could have given the archaeologist the shotgun to kill the clever girl. In the end the lawyer,tamer,fat guy,staff more than likely, and black guy dies all because someone though a tsunami wouldn't destroy a small island in the pacific.

The thing that makes this movie the best is that the t-rex is literally the good guy and the bad guy. With a swift change in the antagonist the T-Rex finds a delicious meal out of four velociraptors.
The graphics in this 1993 blockbuster is truly remarkable since everything was either made by hand and the only animation was the T-Rex which I don't mind at all. This movie also has a good series going of 4 movies and I'll tell you about them later.

Anyway this movie is a must see in my books and, if they made a second (which sucked) I would watch it over and over again. I would rate this movie 10 dead lawyers out of 10.

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