2001: A Space Odyssey | Teen Ink

2001: A Space Odyssey

May 27, 2014
By xtremespartan99 BRONZE, Madison, Connecticut
xtremespartan99 BRONZE, Madison, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Claimed to be one of the greatest space movies of all time, “2001: A Space Odyssey” is about five astronauts (three in hibernation) aboard the spaceship Discovery on a mission to Jupiter to examine a massive alien monolith. However, during the mission the ship’s computer, the Hal 9000, begins to malfunction and kills one of the astronauts to cover up its error, leaving the remaining crew to fight for their lives.
I’ve heard so many good things about this movie and the only thing I can say is, how can anybody like this horrible movie? I’m sorry, I hear you yelling and questioning, about how I can possibly hate this movie, but just hear me out.
First of all, it’s flat out BORING. Nothing goes on that really grabs my attention because so few scenes have music, sound effects, or talking in them, and the ones that do aren’t that interesting. The only part I like is when the computer started killing everybody, but even that was boring. My friend who loves this movie even admits a few scenes were boring.
Also, there are too many scenes that go on for too long. There are a lot of scenes that are pointless so it doesn’t matter if you watch them or not. This makes the movie even more boring. For example, in the beginning we see the dawn of man, where humans advanced from acting like animals to using tools. I’m an advocate for the idea of having this but don’t make it take up over 20 minutes of the movie, that’s how you bore your audience. Heck, 45% of the movie has scenes like this so it could have been a lot shorter and less boring.
Finally, the sound track is horrible. Besides the song in the title scene, there are only two types of songs throughout the entire movie and they’re both torture to listen to. The first type are a bunch of ballet songs that gets stuck in your head for the rest of your life and the other kind is just a chorus choir moaning, probably because they had to be in this movie. Seriously could Stanley Kubrick hire any worse composers and music writers? Was this really the best he could get? The worst part is that since the scenes go on for too long we have to listen to these songs for more than 20 minutes. I’d probably be in a mental hospital right now if the remote didn’t have a mute button on it.
How could anyone walk out of a theater and say, “Hey, that boring movie with horrible music and scenes that went on for too long is the best movie ever made.” I am absolutely stumped that so many people could like this movie when it’s practically begging to be made fun of. However, I’ve been told that this is more of a psychological movie and it’s supposed to mess with your brain by being boring and having terrible music. We I’ve got two things to say to than: 1. It did a good job messing with me, And 2. It still stinks. So if you like having your ears constantly bleed while being slowly bored to death then this is the movie for you, but if you don’t then stay away from this movie.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece is my absolute hatred for this movie and the fact that it appears to have very high review ratings.

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