The Great Gatsby | Teen Ink

The Great Gatsby

May 7, 2014
By Hannah Rogers BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Hannah Rogers BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When previews for The Great Gatsby first began airing, I immediately knew it was going to be a highly publicized film. Since the novel is considered to be an American classic, I had high hopes for this movie adaption. The film starts off with a narration by Nick Carraway, who claims he has become a depressed alcoholic due to previous events. Recounting his experience, Nick discusses his first meetings with the notorious Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is a wealthy businessman who throws extravagant parties, but has a mysterious and questionable past. Conflict arises when Nick decides to re-introduce Gatsby to Daisy Buchanan, Carraway's cousin and Gatsby's former lover.

The Great Gatsby is one of the most spectacular and interesting pictures I have seen, yet the plot of the film is somewhat lacking. Still, the film is extremely glamorous and allows the audience to feel as though they are a part of Gatsby's incredible house parties. The costume each character is dressed in is a perfect representation of the Roaring 20's era. Along with the appeal of the attire, the film's cinematography and soundtrack are incredible. The cinematography and the music go together well; each score is comprised of classic twenties jazz, but includes a twist of modern day with rapping and fast paced beats. However, I still felt the visual effects were a bit tacky, almost excessive. It all seems to be very random with little to no explanation as to what is going on, and the background of the characters is confusing and poorly explained. Despite this, I believe the costumes, cinematography, and music are excellent distractions from the storyline. Overall, I enjoyed watching this film and thought it was interesting because it was unlike any other movie I had seen before. Although the storyline is not very clear, I still consider it one of my favorite movies because of its captivating production.

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