Tangled | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By Haley Higginbotham BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Haley Higginbotham BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What Is An Animated Film?

It’s no surprise why so many films are animated. These animations appeal to the inner child making a film more desirable to watch. Although the children may enjoy it more, even adults will succumb to viewing an animated film.

The popularity of animations is due to fantasy and comedy. Animations typically have princesses or a character finding true love. Fantasies feed on that. They bring out the imagination and creates in our minds the idea of, “Could that happen to me?” A fantasy makes animations enjoyable. Though fantasies create imagination, comedy draws in the viewers. Society nowadays loves comedy. Comedy of an animation is more of a goofy, oops type of comedy; whereas, some think of comedy as sometimes gross, inappropriate, or rude, this type is family and child friendly. Fantasy and comedy are what make animation films popular because if a fantasy or comedy was left out, then there would be no viewers and the fun film is now boring and will most likely not sell.

In order for an animated feature to be efficient it must have the proper characteristics: happiness, characters, and unreal. In this genre happiness plays a key role; happiness helps to generate ticket sales. Also, no one has ever heard of an animated film without a happy ending: “And they lived happily ever after.” For example, Frozen, the Little Mermaid, and Tangled all end with something happy; the main character either gets married or finds love one way or another. This is a continuing trend with these films. Characters are also important. If there is no bad guy or good guy, then where does the story go? How does it play out? The plot is metaphorically dead because it has no true climax or resolution. Along with these two characteristics comes the fanciful aspect of animated films. This particular genre has to be unrealistic because this also appeals to the imagination. Being unrealistic makes the viewer feel more involved; for example, when a character is launched into the air and lands safely sitting on a horse, young viewers are more likely to be entertained. The action is also unrealistic. Dangerous actions are always entertaining to audiences because it gets their adrenaline pumping. Happiness, characters, and implausibilities are significant characteristics of the animated film genre.

Tangled is your typical animated feature. This film is very good for its genre. It fits the criteria of animation; it has good guys, bad guys, and a feature of unrealism-a horse that acts like a human and a dog. Tangled has suspense and singing. The characters sing during the film and some people like it, but in my opinion it is a little over the top. Tangled is based on Rapunzel but with a twist. That twist is the comedy as well as multiple bad guys. Rapunzel is obligated to stay in a tower because the woman who stole her as a child has convinced her that she is Rapunzel’s mother and that Rapunzel must listen to her. A man finds her tower and Rapunzel forces this man to take her to see something she has been dreaming of. This man is a fugitive with many enemies and him and Rapunzel face many challenges. Although Tangled is a good movie for families, it is very similar to other animated features. Almost all animations have the same characteristics and tend to be repetitive. Even though most animated films are closely related, Tangled is a little different because of the fantasy it provides. Yes, all animations provide a fantasy, but Tangled has its own presentation of it. I feel that Tangled may be typical but is very entertaining and is a great choice for families wanting to have fun and enjoy themselves.

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