Twilight | Teen Ink


December 1, 2008
By Anonymous

The Stephenie Meyer series Twilight, was unbelievably good. I figured that the movie would be just as well directed. Man was I in for a surprise. Bella and Edward had no chemistry, they said I love you like once, I couldn't tell that they liked each other. Also a lot of easy detailed descriptions got left out in place of those not as good or even in the book. If they replaced those in for actually details in the book it would make it much better. The movie seemed like it took place in like a week, when it should have seemed more like several months. I was very disappointed when I saw the movie. It was not what I was expecting it to be. Hopefully the next one will be much better.

The author's comments:
I really liked the books. Breaking Dawn is my favorite book I have ever read. I was so exicted to see the movie and everyone seemed to love it. Then when I saw it I was disapointed it was not what the book made it to be. I know books are not as good as the movie but this one was not even close to it.


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