Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 21, 2013
By Mana Ho BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Mana Ho BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game Movie Review

My opinion I think that the Book was better because it was more detailed than the movie. I really enjoyed the movie but they didn’t put all the parts that they had in the book. The parts they did include in the movie were exactly how they described in the book. But over all I thought the movie was pretty good.
I think that the movie left out a lot of parts it may have been small parts but it made the book clearer. The movie did help me picture what happened a lot better. I think the parts that were better in the movie were the training and battles, it was kind of hard to picture what was happening when we were reading but in the movie I could actually understand what was going on. I think the main thing that they should of put in the movie was the Locke and Demosthenes part, it wasn’t that big of a part but it was kind of important. If you didn’t read the book before the movie I think it would have been a really good movie because you wouldn’t know what they left out.

The actors/actresses that they chose to play each of the characters were perfect. Although I thought that Ender looked too old since he was only supposed to be 6. I thought Petra, Bean and Alai were the perfect match; they looked really close to how I imagined them when I was reading. Mazer Rackham, Valentine, and Peter were perfect as well I just didn’t picture them exactly like how they looked. In the movie they made the setting better than I imagined. When I was reading I couldn’t really picture how a lot of the setting and the objects they used looked. The movie helped me a lot in picturing things.

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